Crew of the Santiano

Currently using the Port of Scavengers Cove as their home Port The Crew of the Santiano is a Skilled Bunch always looking to refill or replace a couple slots. Captain Maynard is their elected leader along with his Quartermaster Tunny Macrae they run a well oiled ship and have had several successful voyages Far into the Gold Coast and along the Spanish Main. The Crew of the Santiano is Currently Getting ready to put to sea once her compliment has filled and is sighing under the following Articles and Code:  
by Crafty DM


The Good Ship Santaino 10 4lb Cannon and 6 Swivels


The Ship Santiano along with 10 cannon and 6 Swivels
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Related Articles:
  The Santiano
Captain Maynard of the Santaino
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  Quartermaster Tunny Macrae
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Cover image: by Crafty dm


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