Ana Redhand

Anatoli Ayad (a.k.a. Ana Redhand)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ana is tall and wide, possessing a frame which impresses physical strength. Her arms in particular are strong, giving her a top heavy appearance alongside her broad shoulders. Her form was further increased with Cybernetic muscle implants, pushing her to the peak of a standard human build.

Facial Features

Ana has a strong face, wide and with an almost statuesque quality, especially to her chin. He has strong cheekbones, large eyes, a short and wide nose crooked from being broken, small round ears, and short bushy eyebrows.

Identifying Characteristics

Piercings on their lip, nose, ears, and brow, neon pink techhair, EMP threading, and a multitude of scars.   She also possess two Light Tattoos. One colored blue, depicting two lengths of geometric light wrapped around her throat, ending in hands with a gap where they would converge. One is reaching out while the other is pulling away. The next is flames which extend from the base of her knuckles in a fluorescent pink.    The veins of her right arm glow an electric blue, as does her prominent Cyberreyes, designed to look like camera lenses.

Special abilities

Adept at grappling and melee combat.

Apparel & Accessories

Ana wears a customized Laser Light Street Jacket, adorned with a few patches and glowing hot pink lines. The back of the jacket has a glowing logo, a flaming hand with it's middle finger raised. Otherwise they alternate between different grunge looks, often wearing tattered jeans and baggy shirts. Now wears dripping heart framed smartglasses.

Specialized Equipment

Metallic cyberhand with stylized paint to invoke a bloodstain alongside Big Knucks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anatoli “Ana” Ayad was born to Russian immigrants living in one of the combat zones of an American city. She was given up to a Reclaimer community not long after her birth, with little but an antique poem book and stories told by her adoptive family to remember them by. Life amongst them was tough, but nurturing, as he always had a strong community to fall back on, albeit not one without its own issues. Freedom and a lack of oversight would lead Ana to become a rebellious child, a spirit which would stick with her until adulthood. She left in her late teens, rebelling against the Biotechnica forces which now controlled the town.   Ana drifted with her old mainline until they ended up in NC, forming an Edgerunner crew and quickly chroming up (within their means). Her mainline was sent to prison after a job gone wrong, and she was thrust from her band after cheating. He wandered to Santo Domingo from there, hooking up with Viral Raaz Vora Sashenka and growing close to her fellow Reclaimers in Applegate. They grew distant from Toaster after his trip to the Zoo.   Ana threw herself into Edgerunning headfirst, no longer able to rely on her past allies. They had now become someone of note on the street, seeing the worst that Watson had to offer. She doesn't talk about what brought her to Anjelika's or their Edgerunning life, no matter how many customers ask.

Gender Identity

Girlboy boygirl thing.


Ana fills the Rockerboy stereotype at first glance. Willing to take anyone and confidently flirting is Ana's way of dealing with her crippling insecurity, something that has only harried her more since she's come to Night City. The validation and attraction her Rockerboy persona provides is intoxicating to her, much more then he's willing to admit.


Ana was homeschooled by the more educated members of her community when time allowed. This led her to have gaps in her knowledge due to the often tumultuous nature of the area, but his lust for knowledge, particularly of poetic literature, would carry him to become proficient in the practice.


Ana did whatever jobs available to them amongst their community, primarily physical labor, until it became unified with Biotechnia, where Ana was then made to work in the town's new Company Store. This monopolistic practice and it's effects were some of the first things to instill Ana's passion for justice, as she often watched their fellow reclaimers unable to afford necessities as their wages were funneled back to the corp.   After a job gone paticularly nasty left Ana at her lowest, he abandoned the Edgerunner path. Their newfound rep in Watson got her set up at Anjelika's as a combination bouncer and host, which has been going smoothly enough for a change.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He's earned some renown as an Edgerunner for stunts such as escaping a locked down motel with rogue turrets, facing down a Cyberpsycho, standing up to Malestrom gangers on their own turf, and being commended by the Night City council for defeating the Reaper.

Failures & Embarrassments

Chasing the Reaper and making it as an Edgerunner have proven difficult, shredding her ego and her wallet. Nothing more embarassing than a couchsurfing Rockerboy who wasn't tough enough to be an Edgerunner.

Mental Trauma

Ana was abandoned at a very young age, leaving her with no memory of their biological parents. This alongside the (possibly perceived) abandonment by their mainline has left them with a deep abandonment trauma. Working for Biotechnia left them with a great anger, something which hasn't been helped with the violent course of their adult life.   The Reaper and the last jobs surrounding them are a period Ana doesn't like to think about.

Intellectual Characteristics

Emotional, driven, caring, addictive, and conceited.

Morality & Philosophy

An ardent anti capitalist who sees corps as the ruination of the world. She believes that people are broken by the world and have no room to heal in the world as it is, making violence the only option. The thrill found in beating those who cross her doesn't hurt either.

Personality Characteristics


To keep her corner of the world safe through her influence, somehow. To stay safe and happy. To fuckin' make rent.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Noise music. Chrome Pizza. Any kind. They didn't have that shit in the Badlands. Red clouds.     Dislikes:   The bus. NDAs. Pretention. Mysteries.   Yogurt.

Virtues & Personality perks

Sensitive, cleaver, and brave.

Vices & Personality flaws

Prone to anger. Bitter to others. Emotionally distant. Addicted to Smash. Self-absorbed. Paranoid.

Personality Quirks

Tends to dance and figet about, moving losely. Hella eye contact.


Good for a cube motel dweller.


Contacts & Relations

  • Glen Glenda of The Street Queens: Chooms: He wishes they were closer.
  • Asuka Mishima of The Princesses of Power: It's complicated. Don't ask.
  • Muffin Man and his team: They're good at getting shit done, but not to be trusted.
  • Marie Coustoue: Ex contact. ?
  • Fixer Rex Raptor: Ex contact. Flatlined by Malestrom after one too many bad deals.
  • Jergen: Flatlined after working a couple of jobs with Ana.
  • The cliche of fans in Kabuki: Ana mostly uses them for attention and favors, soaking up the adoration. Distant from them after beginning work at the club.
  • Toaster and various denizens of Applegate: She misses them.
  • The workers and patrons of Anjelika. They get along.

Family Ties

Ana misses her old Reclaimer family, as she was close to many who raised her or otherwise grew up beside him. They're currently looking at getting a message sent back home.

Social Aptitude

Ana's charisma, confidence, and pure intentions often make her either very charming or very, very annoying. She cares little for traditional etiquette, acting in the way that befits her, making her eloquent speech somewhat suprising. She's made for a good public worker among people who generally stay on her good side.


She tends to skip and dance when left to wait, spews incredible profanity. She tends to express herself physically with wide gestures and always moving eyebrows.

Hobbies & Pets

Played EEO once and wishes she could do it again. Working out is a good release for Ana. She's thinking about trying out streetfights. Way too much Garden activity.


A middling tone which tends to spin on run on sentences, angry shouts, and swears. She speaks casually, evoking great tenderness with a shift in her voice when the job calls for it.


Ana Redhand

Ex (Important)

Towards Viral (vee-ruhl) Raaz Sashenka Vora



Viral (vee-ruhl) Raaz Sashenka Vora

Ex (Trivial)

Towards Ana Redhand




Met before Toaster's trip to the Zoo during a mission. Continued to date after Toaster's transformation.

Nicknames & Petnames


Commonalities & Shared Interests

  • Violence
  • Protest
  • Traded guns.
  • Toaster would leave excerpts of Ana's writing amongst the Net.

Shared Secrets

  • We killed someone.
  • Ana told Toaster of their past.
  • Vice versa.
  • Ana knows 

Shared Acquaintances

Applegate residents and some Furcoats.

Wealth & Financial state

Living on Kibble and stuck in a Cube Motel. Most of her extra money goes to chrome these days.
Current Status
Work work work
Current Location
Combat Zone in another city
Current Residence
Cube Motel
Black and purple pupils within small and intense Cybereyes
Short and swept with shaved sides, glowing bright pink and flowing like flame
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A light bronze, soft and etched with scars
180 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Don't, uh, beat your wife, man." "I came to this city running from the shit I left behind. But ever since I got here it doesn't feel like I have *any* control. It feels like I haven't done anything at all."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
English, Spanish, and Street Slang.
Character Prototype
Vi (Arcane) Johnny Silverhand  Hobie Brown (ATSV) Aubrey (Omori) Denji (Chainsaw Man)

This article has no secrets.


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