
Purpose / Function

A host and hostess bar, and the destination for anyone who might have a cyberware kink.


The club's main area is a 50 by 20 meters in size, giving it a rectangular shape. It's surfaces are almost unanimously covered in sleek metal.


Main entrance, an employees only side door, and a few windows.

Contents & Furnishings

BD Box: A small chest-like object built into a wall. It has buttons and a screen, allowing one to select their perfered Braindance from the expansive collection. Standard "On Rails" BDs cost 20 eddies, while interactive ones cost 50. Selections include:
  • GTA Racing Vol 1: A recording of one of Gola "Grand Threat Auto" Allen's races.
  • Hot Zone Hunting: Experience a brave soul go undercover to scavenge the Hot Zone alongside Malestrom...right before flatlining from the radiation.
  • Something from Mr. Studd.


The Piranhas have moved in recently, and it shows with high quality sound systems, booze, and renovations under way, bringing high class style to the place.


Art deco design, with chrome plated walls and glass cleaned to shining. Low blue lighting gives the joint an elegant and chill vibe, which can turn on it's head thanks to the high tech lighting and sound system.


Bouncers, cameras, and a turret or two.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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