Ysodus’ Stone

Divine Whispers of Ysodus' Stone

Ysodus' Stone, named after the first ruler of the united Ka'yar people on Ky'tos Prime, King Ty'kus Ysodus I, is a stone that is said to have the abilities of prophecy. But only for those of divine right, as such, it has been in the sole possession of the royal lineage of King Ty'kus Ysodus I ever since. Being passed down from parent to child over many generations with little to no deviation.   The stone was first found, by the future king of the Ka'yar, Ty'kus Ysodus I, as a young adult on the beach of his tiny island home. Ysodus, of humble origins, had no grand designs before his stumbling upon the stone. However, he did have a deep desire for peace, one that would be emboldened by the stone's whisperings and prophetic visions. Ysodus would carry the stone for the rest of his life, throughout his journey from island farmer to king and uniter of his people.    Its powers are said to grant its owner, the current ruler of the Ka'yar, the ability to see vague glimpses of the future and gain insights into what the Ka'yar truly need at that moment. At the time of its first founding, by King Ty'kyus Ysodus I, the stone granted him sight that allowed him to inspire and eventually unite his people.   The stone's workings and origins before being found by Ysodus are unknown to the wider public. But the widely circulated theory states in most history books amongst Ka'yar schools is that the stone is a personification of the wills of the Ka'yar people and their undying desire to have the lineage of King Ty'kus Ysodus I care for and guide them for all time. And it is said, that if the stone were to ever become lost or fall from the hands of Ysodus' long line of progeny that the demise of the Ka'yar people would soon follow afterwards. 
King Ta'liote Myridos XIV of the Ka'yar Colonial Governance, current owner of Ysodus' Stone

True Origins of the Stone

Ysodus' Stone, is what many people outside of the Ka'yar Colonial Goverance believed it to be the entire time. It is simply, an anomaly, an Abnormality Objects that appeared at random. A simple-looking gemstone that washed ashore on a beach on Ky'tos Alpha eons ago, and has since greatly influenced countless generations of Ka'yar.     The worst part about it is that its powers are not what the Ka'yar believe them to be. While the Ka'yar, especially those of the ruling class, believe it to be a divine gift that bestows the powers of a prophet unto those that have been chosen, it instead merely reflects the possessor's truest ambitions back at them — affirming their deepest desires and emboldening them to chase after them relentlessly as long as they possess the stone.    That is why King Ty'kus Ysodus I, who on the surface had no desire to rule, held one hidden desire that was brought to the surface by the stone. A desire for peace. Peace on his island, and for those around him. The stone amplified those desires and reflected them back onto the young Ty'kus. It turned a simple desire into a much larger quest to unite his people. And over time as the stone passed from father to son and so forth, those desires would continue to be applied to each successive ruler. Both their desires and the collected desires of past rulers.    This has caused a successive line of unstable rulers whose minds may have seemed clear at first but have over time become more and more clouded with the reflections of the stone as their rule continues. This is likely why King Ta'liote Myriodos has become so unstable and volatile in his old age. What is likely to become a much worse situation when he steps down and hands the stone over to his daughter, Ta'lyis Myridos, who is already known to be a rather violent and unstable individual.
Ysodus' Stone, according to Ka'yar myth, is a prophetic stone discovered in the sands of a beach on the Ka'yar homeworld of Ky'tos Alpha by the first colonial king of the Ka'yar, King Ty'kus Ysodus. The stone is said to whisper divine prophecies to the chosen ruling nobility of the Ka'yar people.   It is a mysterious stone whose whereabouts are closely guarded. It represents a divine right to rule in the Ka'yar Colonial Governance, and the next in line to the throne may only take command once the stone has been gifted from former to future ruler in a ceremonial rite of divine ruler transference.
Current Whereabouts
The stone's whereabouts are always kept a closely guarded secret from the public, though most believe it doesn't stray far from King Taliote Myridos' presence. As time wears on though, and as the king ages, the time for his daughter Ta'lyis is soon to come. As the king did not have any male heirs the choice has been made to pass the stone and the throne to her. A controversial but not unheard-of move, though the throne will pass to the next male heir available once her time comes to an end.   However, there is a rumour floating about that the stone has gone missing. And not only that, but it has been missing for some time, possibly years. The rumour continues to say that Representative Democracy of Liberation freedom fighters stole the stone from the king's envoy ship many years ago when the fighting first began in the still present Ka’yar Civil War. If true, not only does that mean the transference of the throne to Ta'lyis would be impossible unless staged, it would mean that the object in which the divine right of rule that the King and his lineage have is in the hands of their current enemy. If the prophecy of the stone is true, then that means the end of the Ka'yar people and the Ka'yar Colonial Governance could be nigh at hand.

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