The Pyroclasts

No, I will not aid you in your crusade, Cardinal.   Me and my adherents do not care for whatever it is you think you'll achieve by marching your faithful across the continent to fight another one of the faithful over a matter so far below god.   So go, kill each other in droves and prove me correct.
-Antonia de Abrixio, founder of the Pyroclast movement.

The Pyroclasts are a small but growing religious faction across the globe, raised up during the feudal era, though there is achademic disagreement as to when the exact genesis point would be.    It is commonly accepted that Antonia de Abrixio, a former official of the Sun Church, founded the group near the end of her time with the organization, before a schism formed irrevicably and her and her followers left to form their own church, of sorts. They maintained many of the same doctrines, but remained largely unpopular due to their hellfire filled sermons.   This changed during the Great War, where they found a great deal of converts as whole cities were subject to the hells of artilery, no mans land, and the new age of magical weaponry. A war that wiped out a whole generations faith in the kindness of man, and the mercy of God. Who can blame them.   The main point of difference that the Pyrolasts have with other churches is the fact that they believe the Promised Garden to be gone completely, and not worth striving for. They hold that when man fell short of God's first judgement, she determined that punishment was in order, a punishment that man would never forget and thus never stray from her teachings again.   She would burn the Garden to ash, and our reward would be gone for all eternity.   As far as the Pyroclasts are concerned, that was the last that God cared to guise us at all, instead choosing to simply watch this world as it endlessly breaks itself down again and again until there's nothing left. Simply watching the embers of the fire burn out to the last.

There is no Promise left

Religious, Sect

Cover image: Ignacity Soda Ad (Via Artbreeder image generation) by Artbreeder image generation, user provided


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