Ludemmath Mux

Ludemmath Mux was the senior Mage working on a clandestine project for the Council of Mages of the Kingdom of Snowborne to attempt to wrest the secret of immortality from the fey. He was responsible for the abuction and torture of the fey Julienne Jonquille in the name of medical and magical experimentation. For this role in the Iceholt Betrayal, he was killed by the fey Agent Ekpen Nail when Julienne was freed.
Date of Birth
9th Authon, 7305 BPC
Date of Death
13th Kerax, 7231 BPC
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Ekpen Nail
Place of Death
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Ludemmath Mux by DMFW with Art Breeder
Character Portrait image: Ludemmath Mux by DMFW with Art Breeder


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