
The ancient citadel of Iceholt has long been abandoned. Once, it was the capital of the fallen Kingdom of Snowborne. The Council of Mages of that kingdom made an alliance with The Fey Court and there was trade, travel and much magical doings between the realms which brought great power to the kingdom, until it was second only to the Triple Enfolding, amongst the countries and alliances of that age who contended for influence over the world which was then called Trinity Moon.   No one from this world knows for certain why the relationship disintegrated, but it did so in a spectacular fashion. Some say the mages were trying to put an end to their own death and gain the powers of the immortal fey. Others say that they took one of the fey prisoner and did not think to fear the anger of the Fey Court. Then some say merely that the fey tired of the Kingdom of Snowborne and needed no provocation to destroy it. Whatever the truth of the matter, a blast of ice and cold severed the link between the worlds and left Iceholt a frozen wasteland to this day. The demise of so many powerful mortal magical users at one time, was the event that gave the realm the name it now bears, Magicians' End.  
Magicians' End - Icehold Main Keep by DMFW with Midjourney
  The fey perspective on this infamous incident remains unshared with the mortals of the realm but in their own accounts they tell a story they call the Iceholt Betrayal.


Iceholt has always been a bleak location but it was not always quite so cold and desolate as it is now. Before the cataclysmic events that destroyed the Kingdom of Snowborne, it was a harsh but habitable settlement, occupied all year round by the elite of the kingdom.  
Magicians' End - Snowborne - Iceholt Watch by DMFW with Midjourney
  Why have a capital in such a hostile location? The explanation for this lies in the arcane properties associated with the north polar location which offered special and powerful benefits to the mages who ruled the kingdom. The centre of their arcane power lay in the Axial Tower, which had to sit exactly over the north pole. Iceholt was the nearest practical place to built a supporting settlement, with access to the rest of the world.  
Iceholt Of Old by DMFW with Art Breeder
Location under
The Uncertain Watchman tells Ithemica that she must go to Iceholt if she wishes to seek aid from the Fey. Now as she looks at the pale lights flickering between the broken old stonework, she fears that gaining access to their realm may not be a simple task. Something is amiss.   Though they have yet to declare themselves openly, the Ice Sisters, having discovered a weakness in the walls of the world here, are looking to revive the ancient fortress and establish a foothold on Magicians' End. Glaze is in charge of their agents here and Ithemica will face a very cool welcome when she reaches the castle walls.

Cover image: Iceholt by DMFW with Art Breeder


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