
Pale is a large town on the eastern shores of Pale Lake on the continent of Myruthea in Magicians' End.


Pale was founded during the Long Thaw probably not long before 6095 BPC, when it is first mentioned in records of the time. During the age of the Twelve Wise Ones it was one of the traditional member settlements that sent a representitive to the Council of Twelve. Later, in the Myruthean Unification Wars, it was often caught between the three greater powers of Klaractazum, Zalgurim and Ralsimoor and found itself fought over and exchanged between them, although it did manage occasional periods of independence and played a memorable role, hosting negotiators from Klaractazum and Ralsimoor when they signed the Treaty Of Pale on 13th Kerax, 4640 BPC.   Pale gave its name to the most powerful and enduring political structure on Magicians' End, when The Declaration of the Domains of Greater Pale became the constitution of the Old Pale Empire, but it is important to be aware that the town never played anything more than a symbolic role. By chosing to imply that the Empire was centred on Pale, its first leaders trod a careful path of neutrality between the more powerful cities whose rivalry must be calmed if they were to unite behind a new Emperor, who actually chose Zalgurim to be the capital. As the location of the earlier famous and (at least partially) successful treaty and in a location at the heart of the alliances that became the Empire, Pale was ideally suited to fulfil this role and to gain far greater fame than its strength or importance ever really merited.   Pale remains a bustling but minor market town to this day, very conservative, pretty, somewhat self satisfied and never subsequently troubled by much in the wider world, with the notable exception of a short and strange period of just over thirty years, between 2041 and 2075 APC when it was briefly the capital of a short lived excercise in overly ambitious politics known as the New Pale Empire. When this aberration came to an ignominious end, Pale returned to the humble anonymity its citizens prefer. It is currently a part of the Trans-Oceanic Empire.

Points of interest

The lakeside promenade is a notable and fashionable shopping street with a row of expensive shops facing a wide walkway, planted with a rich profusion of colourful bedding plants and offering scenic views over the lake with many places to drink and eat.


Pale is well known for its rich culinary tradition and for the fondness of its citizens for all kinds of sweets and desserts. There are any number of "infusion" houses, where hot drinks, cakes and biscuits can be purchased to eat and drink on the premises or to take away. Typically, these houses sell cryne, coppa beans, citrus and mint "steep" and steamed jooloo which are all non alcoholic. Some of them will also serve dark redbrush laced with rum and brandy and a number of other more exotic, mildly intoxicating beverages flavoured with spiced wine.   The best known establishment is "The Ginger House", which claims to have been founded in 2537 APC and to have been in business continuously, ever since.  
Pale - The Ginger House by DMFW with Midjourney
  A trip to the Ginger House is a treat for any tourist or local, since their imaginative cooking and baking perfectly complements the range of hot drinks they offer to their customers.
Founding Date
6095 BPC
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: Magicians' End - Pale by DMFW with Midjourney


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