
Eroveth is a small town on the western shore of Pale Lake at the mouth of the river Eroveth. It is currently a member of the Alchemical Alliance.


Old Eroveth was established as an important trading post and regional centre under the Trinity Moon Triple Enfolding in an ancient age before the Sundering, but very little survives from those times. During the Myruthean Unification Wars, the town was captured by the armies of Zalgurim and later burnt almost to the ground after their infamous retreat. The modern town was extensively rebuilt in the early days of the Old Pale Empire and in subsequent years has remained largely untouched by the troubles that have affected other more volatile areas of the world.   Since the Planar Conformation it has often been governed under the independent authority of the Municipality of Eroveth, but not always. During the Jewelled Queendoms the town was part of the queendom of Klaractazum. In more recent times it became a part of the Alchemical Alliance not long after that organisation was founded.
Founding Date
7836 BPC
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: Eroveth - The Three Moons Inn by DMFW with Leonardo AI


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