Realm Internal Scaling in The Discontinuum | World Anvil

Realm Internal Scaling

All known realms of the discontinuum, whether they be evolutions, archetypes or something even stranger, are governed by laws of form which not only specify the physical, magical and temporal rules operating within them but also govern the size and, in conjuction with their overlying histories where applicable, determine the limits of accessable regions within them. These limits may vary slightly over the course of time but they tend, in most cases, to be relatively constant and agents of the Stability Council call them the Realm Scale.   There are five categories, known as Pocket, Planetary, Stellar, Galactic and Transcendental.  

Pocket Realms

  Pocket realms are true micro universes. They might, perhaps mimic or mirror the more traditional astronomical trappings of the stable evolutions, but only in ghost form. Their geography is intensely local and warps surfaces and volumes into small wrap-around geometries, of repeating and non-repeating kinds. The Autumn Country and the Winter Country are both examples of archetypal pocket realms, as is The Fey Court. Although the relationship between pocket realm scale and stability isn't deterministic, in general, archetypes tend to be pocket realms and pocket realms tend to be archetypes.  

Planetry Realms

  Planetry scale realms are those that may (and more than likely do) exist within a wider universe, yet one which agents are unable to reach. To all practical intents and purposes, agents are confined to one world within the laws of form of the realm and any others remain unreachable, either because there can theoretically never be a physical way to reach them from the gateways known to the stability council, or more simply because even though other worlds would be accessable in principle, local technology either hasn't yet reached the stage where it is capable of transporting people off-world, or in practice it has no interest in doing so and never will do. Most realms fall into this category, including for example, the evolutions known as Earth Rustic and Children of the Sun, as well as the archetype of The Green World.  

Stellar Realms

  Stellar scale realms are ones where there is at least some access to other worlds orbiting the same sun as the primary world, but no effective access to a wider universe beyond. There are two known examples. The evolution Earth Zero and the archetype Mirror Mars are both stellar realms.  

Galactic Realms

  Galactic scale realms, are those where civilisation has access to many worlds orbiting different suns. Agents of the Discontinuum, when they can do so at all, always access these realms via the analog of Earth. Interestingly, there tends to be a relationship between stability and scale at this level, although this may just be a statistical anomoly within the local Discontinuum since there is no particular theoretical reason why such a relationship might be expected.   There are only four known realms where galactic scaling applies and it may be helpful to compare them. In the table below they are listed in descending order of the degree of authoritarian control excercised by the central galactic power.  
Realm Galactic Organisation Symbol Notes
The Galactic Confederacy The Galactic Confederacy
Galactic Confederacy Logo by DMFW with Midjourney
The Galactic Confederacy has the most tightly controlled central government acting at galactic scale known to the agents of the Discontinuum. The Confederacy has a sophisticated legal system which operates between member species to facilitate trade and commerce. It has some agencies that provide support for local planetary governments and is capable of stepping in to supply aid in cases where famine relief is required and to enforce quarantines where medically necessary. Nevertheless it is a long way from an Empire. Planets and Species have a high degree of autonomy over their own internal affairs.
The Bubble The Society of Contemporary Races
The Society of Contemporary Races Logo by DMFW with Photoshop
The Society of Contemporary Races is a much looser organisation than the Galactic Confederacy. Species and civilisations of all kinds remain fully self governing within the society. Nevertheless it has a few red lines and the means to enforce them with powerful technologies unique to this realm. It is particularly interested in the welfare of all life and the protection of weaker cultures and threatened species, and especially when there is evidence of sentience. Humans were unable to join the society for many years, largely, it is thought, because of ecological crimes they had committed before and after they gained the technology to travel between stars.
The World Of The Long Sleep The Galactic Compact
Galactic Compact Logo by DMFW with Midjourney
The Galactic Compact is a very fluid and slippery organisation, representing on the surface, little more than a badge for numerous separate treaties between races. It seemingly has no laws beyond the individual patchwork of deals made between its members, yet it does, in some mysterious way, represent an aspiration for mutual co-operation and understanding. There may also be more to the Compact than meets the eye. It is likely that the Galactic Compact enforced the Vow of Earth, although little is known about the age when that happened.
Earth Stable None None The realm of Earth Stable is home to a freewheeling galactic anarchy, split into a number of competing multi-stellar states, each with their own systems of governance. It is the most chaotic of the four known examples of Galactic Scale. There may have been a unified authority at some time in the past before Earth Stable discovered this complex pattern of competing interests and added its own voice to the clamour. Perhaps one will arise in future. But at present, the galaxy here is something of a lawless jungle.

Transcendental Realms

  Transcendental Realms extend the scope of their domain into higher order mathematical spaces on an unthinkably colossal scale. It is hard even to begin to comprehend the limits of these realms or to attempt to map them. It is thought that there may be many transcendental realms that lie deep within and beyond some of the less accessable archetypes but Heaven 18 is the only one where limited contact has been established.

Cover image: The Discontinuum by DMFW with Midjourney


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