Saint Zero and the Prophets Of Infinity

No one shall expel us from the paradise which Cantor has created for us.
David Hilbert
  A growing fundamentalist religion with a dangerous terrorist wing, their influence expands through the medium of the Church Of Integers. Saint Zero is always the title of their current leader, whoever that happens to be. The Saint has a High Seat at the Cathedral of All Sequences, in the realm of Uiklando, shown in this illustration. It is from here that the feared Set Theorists organise agents to spread the faith over many realms and the Prophets of Infinity preach of chaos and the end of the Discontinuum.   The church has recently established a new missionary outpost to proselytize their faith on the stable realm of Quitheria II, a cause of concern for the Stability Council.
Religious, Organised Religion
Leader Title

Articles under Saint Zero and the Prophets Of Infinity

Cover image: Cathedral of All Sequences by DMFW with Stable Diffusion


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