Saranjum Species in The Discontinuum | World Anvil


Saranjum is a bright green berry, cultivated on the Saranjum Fields of southern Tinturbean on Magicians' End.   There are a number of subspecies but all are low growing climbers which produce a fruit with a sharp but pleasant taste.  
Saranjum by DMFW with Midjourney

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The small, inconspicuous, white flowers bloom in late Findil. They are pollinated by a range of different insect species and the fruit is ripe by mid Doloph.   Each berry contains between five and ten black pips and new Saranjum plants can be grown from these seeds. Typically plants are propogated from cuttings to preserve the properies of specific genetic individuals known to produce good fruit and to be disease resistant, but the farmers are careful to retain a sufficient diversity of root stock to avoid the problems associated with the cultivation of monocultures.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Although there is some limited evidence that the Trinity Moon Triple Enfolding used Saranjum in their cooking they do not seem to have grown it on a large scale, and unlike Phryne, which has an ancient history of cultivation on Punjuki, the systematic exploitation of Saranjum is a relatively recent "modern" development on Tinturbean (at least in so far as any event after the Planar Conformation can be considered "modern").   The Saranjum Fields in the south of the continent of Tinturbean were first planted at the time of New Pale Empire and extended during the age of the Four Aerial Courts.   Saranjum can be eaten raw but it is more usually combined with other ingredients in cooking. It is also pulped and sweetened to make a popular drinking squash, which is not inherently alcoholic but can be fermented to make a drink called Jumjum.   Humans and Owlblood find the flavour of the berries attractive and when the Noctaliyan Gate was open, Saranjum was a popular export to Noctaliya.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Saranjum only grows really well in the soils and climate of the south of the continent of Tinturbean on Magicians' End and the West and East Saranjum Fields are home to the vast majority of known plants. It has been cultivated with some limited success on Myruthea, in the farmlands to the south of the city of Silvermouth.
Geographic Distribution
Magicians' End - Saranjum Bunch by DMFW with Midjourney

Cover image: Magicians' End - Tinturbean - Saranjum Fields by DMFW with Midjourney


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