The Chapter of Fresh Waters

The Chapter of Fresh Waters was a spiritual, ideological and practical society which operated on the continent of Tinturbean during the years of the Long Thaw.   After the Sundering, civilisation on Tinturbean fell into rapid ruin with the onset of the unnaturally rapid glaciation which destroyed the Trinity Moon Triple Enfolding, covering their capital at Goolsyn with a thick layer of ice.   It was only in the southern fringes of the continent that a harsher form of living was still possible and it was here in the city of Cynran that the Chapter of Fresh Waters came together in 7102 BPC.   The Chapter was primarily based on the article of faith embodied in their mantra, "The Ice Will Melt". It focused on the hope for renewal and the return of life throughout the continent and it sought to foster that long term goal in its social policies, even when it was unclear in the early days of the Long Thaw, whether the ice would in fact melt.   The Chapter of Fresh Waters were an important group in the early formulation and spreading of the Westoric language, which developed from, and replaced, the High Trinitarian that had been the local language of the Trinity Moon Triple Enfolding in previous centuries.   Perhaps the most famous legacy left by the Chapter of Fresh Waters is the Book of the North, a momunent built as a memorial for the lives lost and the hardship endured after the Sundering, and shown at the head of this article. It was constructed in 6231 BPC to mark a thousand years since the Sundering and soon became a place of pilgrimage for those souls who could endure the trek to the bleak northern location where it was carved in stone.

The Ice Will Melt

Founding Date
7102 BPC
Religious, Monastic Order

Cover image: Magicians' End - The Book of the North by DMFW with Midjourney
Character flag image: Magicians' End - Chapter of Fresh Waters by DMFW with Midjourney


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