The Book of the North

The Book of the North is a monument which was built by the Chapter of Fresh Waters in the north of Tinturbean in the year 6231 BPC, exactly one thousand years after the Sundering as an act of commemoration and to be a centre of spiritual pilgrimage.   The carved text, inlaid with silver, is written in Westoric and is arguably the most famous example of that now dead language. A soft heat, generated with a persistent thaumatic charm, keeps ice and snow from covering the open pages.  
Behold the rising of the springs that shall make all things new. Fresh waters flow south to make pure rivers from which all may drink and live. Lands that were stolen by the cold shall be returned to us, and they shall be warm again. The bleak and barren places will flourish, even here in these northern heights. And the ice will melt.
— The Book of the North
Founding Date
6231 BPC
Parent Location

Cover image: Magicians' End - The Book of the North by DMFW with Midjourney


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