
Westoric was a language derived from High Trinitarian which was spoken on the continent of Tinturbean in the years after the Sundering up until a little after the Planar Conformation by which time the pure form had essentially died out, although aspects of the language were adopted by Beaneese.   Westoric was particularly strong in the west of the continent and was closely associated with patriotic regional movements such as the Tinturbean Insurrection.   The image at the head of the article shows the Book of the North, a monument in northern Tinturbean which was constructed a thousand years after the Sundering by the Chapter of Fresh Waters a spiritual order originating in Cynran which had much to do with the early development and propagation of Westoric. The Westoric text carved into the stone pages of the Book of the North is the most famous surviving example of the pure language.   After the failure of the Tibturbean Insurrection the Old Pale Empire attempted to stamp the language out, and largely succeeded in the east, where Empyrian replaced it, but it remained in active use in the west, even if the number of speakers declined.   After the Planar Conformation, Beaneese, a hybrid of Empyrian and Westoric, became a common tongue throughout Tinturbean and Westoric is now a dead language.
Root Languages
Successor Languages

Cover image: Magicians' End - The Book of the North by DMFW with Midjourney


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