The Ice Sisters

The Ice Sisters are a feudal house pledging loyalty to Rime, Glaze and Alba, the three daughters of Brightwater, shown left to right in the illustration in ascending order of seniority. The house has ambitions to expand into other realms and has come into conflict with the Stability Council most recently when the Ice Sisters successfully annexed Lower Cattic. Although only considered a minor power, their strength has been growing and rumour has it that they now have their eyes on one of the Water Worlds.   On a bleak day full of snow, an unfortunate Agent had the task of bringing the sisters some bad news. Their cousin, operating with the functionally advantageous soubriquet of Jack Frost had been working under contract to the Proton King. It was an arrangement which they were less than happy with from the beginning. Now their misgivings were confirmed. Something had gone wrong and Jack Frost would not be coming home. The Ice Sisters were angry, sad and fearful, all at the same time and the Agent was relieved to be able to leave them to their deliberations and escape to a warm tavern, which you could still find in Lower Cattic, although perhaps not for much longer.
Geopolitical, Great house

Cover image: The Ice Sisters by DMFW with DAZ Studio


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