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Shade Council

Excerpt from a dossier prepared by infernal agents



The City of Shade
The approximately 1700 years that the city and it's residents spent on the Plane of Shadow seem to have driven the whole population into the worship of Shar. Because of this as a general rule, individual residents are ripe for contracts, but present a low potential for any meaningful shift to the cosmic balance due to personalities already being bent towards Evil. The city does operate a merit based promotion system where worthy individuals can be infused with the substances of the Shadow Plane, transforming them into a new type of creature called a Shade. This process seems to be reserved for human residents, though it is unknow if this is due to limitations or preadjusts, there are no non-human subjects known of this promotion. Recipients of the promotion hold a fanatical allegiance to Shar and are not amenable to contract. Suggested course of action when dealing with a Shade is to provide material assistance where profitable, with an aim for balance adjustments.
City defenses are formidable. At this time all infiltration attempts from both Prime and Astral ingress have been rebuffed. Seeking guidance on priority for further attempts at infiltration and acceptable resource expenditure. At this time all information is gleaned from tertiary sources

The city is run by a cabal of 12 Princes, most born prior to or shortly after the city's plane-shifting. These princes rule in concert, after the recent death of their father, the High Prince from prior to the shift. Cause of death is unknown, and the resulting petitioner was given special privilege's in Shar's realm and is unavailable. While it appears they work as a unified front, we find it unlikely they are settled. Our understanding of human nature postulates that after 1700 years as subservient to 1 person; they would all harbor ambitions to be person on top.   While most average residents of the city are forbidden from leaving it, the Shade Council acts as the special forces and diplomatic corps for the 12 Princes. Each member has their own specialty and focus. Their main purpose is to further the agenda of the recently returned city, and potentially re-grow it to the glory days of the Netherese empire. As they appear to have free reign, it is a member of this organization that you are most likely to run into on the Prime. Tracking their movements require skilled diviners, as methods of blocking divination magics are standard issue for their number.



Brezhule -
(M) Their generalist and primary field operative. Suspected Shadow Weave user. Is responsible for the current diplomatic friendliness with the Zhentarim.
Recent Activities - He and his coterie have been investigating the ruins of the floating cities. We recently sold information to his agent Phaedra on some of their locations. Rumor also holds that he and some of his Zhent allies were involved in several attacks on temples of Helm
Leverage TBD

Umbra -
(F) Chosen of Shar. Defacto head of the council. 
Recent Activities -
Leverage TBD

Hannibal -
(M) Military attaché
Recent Activities - working on rebuilding the military
Leverage TBD

Chandara -
(F) Master of Divination
Recent Activities -
Leverage TBD

Corbin -
(M) Master of Assassins. Has operatives throughout the sword coast.
Recent Activities -
Leverage - Aspires to replace Umbra as the Chosen. 

Naenia -
(F?) Master of Undeath. Litch. Responsible for provisioning the rest of the council w/ Shadow body guards.
Recent Activities - Filling in the army with disposable troops.
Leverage TBD
Government, Secret Service


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