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The Battle of Cliffwatch

Military: Battle


The team approaches the Church of Helm about setting a trap for Durum; who takes the bait

Starting with a trip back to Erebus' favorite divination teacher, Nugs, for one of his signature divinings on what the larger picture is. As all divinations, the riddle isn't clear, but the hint that Bane and Shar are getting involved is worrisome. They get a Helmite to ask Helm What temple will be attacked Next? The resulting divination points strongly to Cliffwatch.

Working with the Church of Helm the team moves all the remaining artifacts to Cliffwatch and set the trap. It is the perfect bait, as the Helm of Helm, an actual helmet used by the avatar of helm is kept there.
Cliffwatch is built into the side of a mountain, and supremely defensible, the garrison of the keep is well trained and outfitted, and the leaders have extra-planar help they can call on as well. All the team has to do is protect the reliquary.

When the attack comes it comes from a surprise direction; through the mountain. Durum riding on the back of a Bulette, leading a company of Zhentarim soldiers. The team hold back, expecting this to be a diversion, trying to offer the ranged support they can from 5 stories above. When it became clear that the Helmites were loosing the courtyard Gaeika went down in dragon form to even the odds. With her help the Helmites turn the tide, but not before another dragon swoops in and kills Gaeika. Boh's quick teleporting gets Coraline to her in time to save her, but at the moment of distraction Durum and his crew attack the reliquary.

They attack with no hesitation, with Durum rushing in and cutting Orm down. KT in a fit of righteous anger falls on Durum and hits him right in the armpit, driving her Sharrash strait through his torso and protruding out his neck. Coraline was not able to get to Orm in time to save him for the battle.
As the battle commenced, there was a large crashing sound outside the room, and the same man the team saw at Shelter of the Crossroads runs up to Durum's wizard and they teleport out. The Cleric and his companions see this and follow suit.

With the Zhents in retreat, the team assesses the situation. It seems the mystery man had destroyed a two story tall statue of Helm in the chapel the next room over in all the chaos, and the Prefect and Princeps Magus admitted that hidden inside the statue was the Guardians Tear, a major artifact from the times of trouble, and it is now missing.

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