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Durum Returns!

Life, Failure / Mishap


Durum returns to recruit the team for revenge against Helm

After defeating Jojin the team was tapped, but they figured they were too deep into enemy territory to be safe so they went back to Sandpoint to rest and rearm. When they returned in the morning Durum and the Half-Elf he was talking to the night he disappeared, Yotul, where there inspecting the team's handy work.

Durum was happy to see the crew. He told them that he and the Half-Elf had made a deal, that he help her raid The Malari and she would get him through a portal and help him to destroy some artifacts of Helm, to weaken his Divinity. He apologized for leaving, he didn't want to wrap them up in his vendetta, but now that they were Marked they should combine forces and avenge Mystra's death.

KT takes exception to this, accuses Durum of blasphemy with his devotion to the dead incarnation of Mystra. As the argument get's heated Durum's bandanna slips and Orm notices that unlike the rest of the crew, Durum in not Marked with the brand.

With this revaluation diplomacy ends, and Durum does not waste any time destroying both Orm's and KT's weapons before teleporting out leaving the Half-Elf to fend for herself. Pissed at his betrayal she shifts back into her Half-Orc form and fights for her life. With her defeat the team gets their 4th Key to Malar's Grove.

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