Mēdén Void Geographic Location in The Divided States | World Anvil
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Mēdén Void


The Mēdén Void is the largest known void of space within the Yggdrasil Tree and is expanding throughout the known universe. Nothing has been found within its borders and space systems encased within are either destroyed or erased from the view of other space systems. Nothing that enters the void leaves its grasp.

Localized Phenomena

On very rare occasions, pulses of blinding white lights have been witnessed within the void. The pulses are short-lived, random, and unpredictable. The lights have been presumed to be the dying gasps of stars going supernova, wiping out any surrounding planets, super structures, or civilizations.

Fauna & Flora

The Mēdén Void is presumed to be lifeless except for the unknown creature named The Lich. The Lich resides within the Mēdén Void but is able to travel telepathically into the minds of those who know of the void's or its own existence. It is also able to kill the being in which it dwells by occupying the being's mind, distracting them from self-preservation or the instinct of survival. Mentally stronger individuals are able to resist him, though are often plagued by nightmares.


The Mēdén Void was discovered by Odin Allfather, (sometime after Hela's birth but before Baldur's birth). At the time the void was small and inconsequential, out of sight at the bottom of the Yggdrasil Tree and Odin paid it no attention as it was deserving of none. Eventually, it was brought to the forefront of his mind by the Sisters of Fate, who had shown that the void was growing and swallowing everything within its path and would lead to eternal darkness. However, Odin misinterpreted the Fates' warning given their mysterious words and riddles. This misinterpretation eventually came to be known as Ragnarök.
Alternative Name(s)
The Nothing Void, Void of Nothing
Location under


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