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Chapter 5: Organ Donor for the Machine

General Summary

While Mannim, Ayhin, and Lillia stay at the Greenspire Labs to continue investing for clues that could point to other Biomancers hiding within, Olani and Halcyon decide to question Kubari at the front desk to see if he has more information about the whereabouts of Trilid Rumarrow. Through Halcyon's power of persuasion, they are able to learn that Trillid and Bakin, another possible Biomancer, are currently meeting at Lyrandar station. With that, the two head off into the bustling streets unaware of the horror they are soon to find. 
 Arriving at the station, Halcyon can just barely spot Bakins bald head heading towards the Mythril Estates. They soon arrive at a decrepit old mansion but they are unaware that this was once the home of Dr. Ciradyl Liakas. Olani is able to overhear from two corrupt Imperial Guards that the Biomancers have dug below the mansion and into the sewers to find something for their experiments. Delving down into the sewers, Halcyon and Olani soon find that the Biomancers have dug through a nearby sewer wall into a sealed crypt. Inside Bakin is inspecting various coffins and guarding him is a strange humanoid creature with Lyrium growing from within, however, this one can understand commands and problem solve. This creature, only described as a Marionette , spots the party and lunges toward them slashing Olani and impaling Halcyon on crystals jutting out from its hands. They are able to seal it behind ice and slime as they make their escape down a sewer tunnel that leads towards an exit and a secret underground lab. This lab contains another humanoid-robot diagram as well as information on why the Biomancers are down here. They are bringing the corpses from the crypt to the surface for experiments and so far the have collected upwards of 25. The sounds of the Marionette getting closer signal the party to make their escape to the surface, with more questions than answers.

Character(s) interacted with

Kubari- Greasy doorman of the Greenspire Labs 
Bakin- Balding Orc working with Trilid Rumarrow

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Report Date
26 Feb 2023
Primary Location
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