Blood Conclave Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Blood Conclave

Basic Info

Region: Dragon Jaw Wilds

Motto: In Unity We Survive

Alignment: True Neutral

Capital: Treesong Temple

Cities: Floodbanks Lodge and Greenwash Miasma

Ruler(Race): Drak Bloodfather (Tree Dweller Grippli)

Government Type: Meritocracy (Those most able take control)

Languages: Common and Grippli

Religion: Open Religious Views, with an Emphasis for Gozreh

Qualities: Spell and magic Primary Focus. Military, Fishing, and Farming Secondary Focus. Commercial, Trade, Learning, and Science Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Grippli, Human, Ajaran Elves (and half elves), Gnomes, and Lizardfolk. Small populations of other races.

Common Classes: Druid and Ranger common, Rogue and Fighter less common, Cleric and Barbarian uncommon.


Quick Description

Based on the Tree Dweller Grippli’s attire and simple nature, most are shocked when they come to the lands they own to find advanced architecture and anything more than the simple huts of the lizardfolk. Tree Dwellers would simply said that they have had more time than any other nation to create the cities and lives that best adapt to their surroundings. While Grippli often run the lands of the Blood Conclave, their population are a mixture of people that are adapted to the jungle lifestyle. Their society at its heart is wild and free believing nature, and to some extent Gozreh, guides all things. Masters of the hunt and able to take down the Dinosaurs (or as they call them dumb dragons) of the Dragon Jaw Wilds, they are excellent at skirmish strikes and ambushes, and most members of the Blood Conclave train in camouflage since childhood.  

History(Coming Soon)



Meritocratic at heart, they believe those who cannot do, cannot lead. This leadership view often puts a large tax on their leadership to hunt regularly to show themselves capable. Drak Bloodfather has done much to advance trading with the people of Prater Point and Duskmouth Halls but he is getting old and a new Bloodfather or Bloodmother may replace him. Most are biding their time to challenge, for when Drak makes a mistake politically his reign will end quickly. While non-Grippli have been leaders in the past, historically the Grippli’s generations of hunting this forest have lead them to be some of the most successful challengers.  


Laws exist on paper at least in the Blood Conclave, so they can have a seat at High Table and hold some sway over the fate of the Dycides. However there are no guards or prisons in the Blood Conclave, what keeps the people from committing crimes is shunning. Someone who brings in selfish behavior leaves the Blood Conclave open to potential attack and loses the trust of the Conclave. As only the united are strong, and only the strong survive. When a crime is brought to the Bloodfather they simple ask the aggrieved what can be done to earn redemption, and leave it to the injured party to find the path forward. One law is clear, those proven lying to the Bloodfather are killed, without remorse.  


The dwellers in the Blood Conclave believe spirits of the woods and the green man of the woods guides all actions, so when someone arrives in their land the regular greeting is, “Spirits Guided You.” Few people have an easy time finding the paths into the deep forest and are given a large meal and excellent accommodations for their first night. After a large morning meal, trade is done and after all of that they are asked why they have come. This order of decorum is concrete law in every city for any strangers. Once they have explained themselves they are either allowed to stay or asked to leave depending on if their intentions serve the cities need.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Treesong Temple
Floodbanks Lodge
Greenwash Miasma
Drak Bloodfather
Geopolitical, Country

Little to No Trade


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