The Dycides Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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The Dycides

  The Dycides on the North Eastern Coast of the continent holds in it's heart endless contradictions. It shines as a land without a country wide war, while always being in turmoil. It's bustling markets boast more variety than anywhere on the continent, while keeping itself tantalizingly out of reach for most. It's diversity springs wider than any other nation, yet the divisions of this fractured identity drives discontent. It boasts of its great freedom and inclusivity on the back of a massive slave workforce.   The one thing that drives most people forward is the tantalizing chance to raise oneself above their fellows. The goal of any true Dycides citizen is to gain great renowned or claw past your fellow man, whichever seems easier at the moment. The law creates opportunities for advancement, but only for those who are willing to work hard or smart enough to find success.   The people of the Dycides are many and varied and no two the same. Their stories are told from a million histories, nations, philosophies, races, experiences and creeds. Your story can be one of them. This page will be an index page to keep track of information relevant to the Dycides. Eventually the timeline for the Dycides will be linked through here.

1) The Lost Way   2) Blue Haven   3) The Fugue   4) Barataria   5) Vetmir   6) Maven’s Sanctuary   7) Goliath’s Altar   8) Davos   9) Imperium Pavos   10) Salvan   11) Covenant of the Half Moon   12) Family of the Flame   13) Life’s Spice   14) Sightborn   15) Tenacity Hold   16) Pillar Corridor   17) Prekrine Dominion   18) Iron Grasp   19) Duskmouth Halls   20) Blood Conclave   21) Prater Point   22) Gith-ro-tul   23) Free Cities of Mezal   24) Seven Scale Tribes   25) Treley Expanse   26) Old Dycides   27) Shivan Magocratic Union   28) High Table   29) Atholia   30) Kingdom of White Flowers   31) Seasword Alliance   32) Zal Cavesh   33) New Ferdalag   34) Kervosh   35) Brawler the Traveling Community   Gevat   Hearth Haven   Ajara   Ethium

Geopolitical, Empire

Open Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Limited Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Little to No Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Non Human Open Trade

Little to No Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Little to No Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Little to No Trade

Open Trade

Open Trade

Little to No Trade

Little to No Trade

Little to No Trade

Limited Trade

Little to No Trade

Non-Aggression Pact


Off Limits-Madness

Little to No Trade


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