Brawler the Traveling Community Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Brawler the Traveling Community

Basic Info

Region: Varies

Motto: A Steady Hand

Alignment: True Neutral

Capital: Brawler the Stone Goliath City

Cities: ---

Ruler(Race): Imago Slingsprocket (Wild-Eyed Gnome)

Government Type: Democracy

Languages: Common, Halfling and Gnome

Religion: Open Religious Views

Qualities: Commercial and Trade Primary Focus. Spells, Magic, and Industry Secondary Focus.

Racial Breakdown: 30% Gnomes, 20% Halflings, and 50% Cosmopolitan.

Common Classes: Alchemist and Wizard common, Druid and Monk less common, Bard and Gunslinger uncommon.


Quick Description

The Great Stone Horse was a relic of the ancients left at a place that would later become the border between the Shivan Magocratic Union and Old Dycides not far from Pantheon’s Heart. Around the time that Atar ‘ascended’ a relic hunter named Kor Datsva discovered a passage into its bowels. Unaware of the consequences he inadverantly set the great construction walking forward terrifying the people of the Dycides thinking some sort of attack was coming. Soon after a group of arcane construct crafters worked out mechanisms for its use. Now the horse, nicknamed ‘Brawler’ trudges between nations at the behest of those that live on its back bringing trade, supplies and entertainment to the towns that is stops in.  

History(Coming Soon)



Those that live on Brawler’s back do not consider the great construct a country but a company of like minded individuals travelling together. They have negotiated with the other countries that they pass through to adhere to all laws and border crossing restrictions that land requires. The chief pilot elected by the people is Imago Slingsproket, a wild-eyed gnome who is skilled in negotiation and putting others at ease. In the last twenty years he has invited Forgeborn gnomes into the community who have taken to upgrading the construct. He keeps a sharp eye on them to make sure they don’t weaponize the horse in anyway (a likely thing for a Forgeborn to do), reminding that Brawler is a home first and foremost.  


Laws are fairly strict to enter Brawler as attempted stowaways who don’t understand the movement of the great construct usually meet sticky ends smeared across the internal mechanisms of the construct. As housing space is limited a long application and interview process is required to join the community. Those willing to pay the exorbitant price to stay in the one inn on Brawlers back require a background check and many legal documents signed to enjoy the slow movements of the great construct.  


Children and young folk are always excited when Brawler visits the outskirts of their town as performances, and festivals are often associated with her arrival. Often signs are put up when brawler is on its way to a settlement. The path is most often set by business agreement to help transport a gargantuan object between two cities that carts and other processes would be cost prohibitive. The festivals that happen allow the people of Brawler to blow off steam from navigating the beast and have a chance to interact with the people below. Staying on Brawlers back requires a regular timing to how one walks, that often looks ridiculous when imitated on the ground.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Brawler the Stone Goliath City
Imago Slingsprocket


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