Covenant of the Half Moon Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Covenant of the Half Moon

Basic Info

Region: Island of Crows

Motto: The Flame Will Never End

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Capital: New Center

Cities: ---

Ruler(Race): Fora Beckhart (Human Ethium Refugee)

Government Type: Demarchy (Leadership chosen randomly)

Languages: Common

Religion: Limited only to Atar Worship

Qualities: Religion Primary Focus. Art, Farming, and Fishing Secondary Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Human Ethium Refugee, other Ethiumfolk

Common Classes: Cleric and Inquisitor common, Oracle and Fighter less common, Sorcerer and Witch uncommon.


Quick Description

Physically isolated by the riptides, eddies, whirlpools, and jagged rocks that surround the Island of Crows, a secretive people that call themselves the Covenant of the Half Moon live in peace. Their population seems entirely populated by people of Ethium or any that would seek guidance in the God from that region. While established forty years ago, they are very easy to be forgotten. The Key Council has dispatched assessors to ensure the rules of the Dycides are enforced, and they are but most of what goes on there is a mystery.  

History(Coming Soon)



Little is known about the way the government of the Covenant works, other than their leader is picked by a random lottery at a regular enough basis that every assembly of High Table there is a new leader.  


Once again little is known other than weapons are confiscated upon entry. The rights to a passport certification is incredibly low, and those that visit without a passport, and have either been never seen again or report that they are a peaceful naive people living a simple agrarian life.  


Most who know anything about the Covenant are from their Missionaries and Seekers. They pain a rosy view of all things in the Covenant, where there is peace, plenty, and love for all that are not monstrous. They include Lizardfolk and Grippli in that assessment, and can find many stumbling blocks in their assumptions about them as backwater savages.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

New Center
Fora Beckhart
Geopolitical, Country

Little to No Trade


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