Davos Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Basic Info

Region: Crab Island

Motto: Nation of Return, Gate of Renewal

Alignment: True Neutral

Capital: Shady Smiles Refuge

Cities: Puruporos

Ruler(Race): Grouse Lightfoot (Traderfolk Halfling)

Government Type: Democracy

Languages: Common, Halfling

Religion: Open Religious Views

Qualities: Commercial and Trade Primary Focus. Farming, Fishing, and Art Secondary Focus. Military and Religious Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Halfling, Human, Half-Orc, Half-Elf, Gnome, Elf, Dwarf

Common Classes: Rogue and Fighter common, Slayer and Ranger less common, Bard and Witch uncommon.


Quick Description

Davos is a nation of natural bounty and acts as one of the three primary border civilizations between Ethium and the Dycides. As travelling across brutal mountains and endless sands are a taxing experience, most coming from Ethium stay in Davos for a period. Some of these travelers decide to not go any further either because they enjoy the relaxed nature of the island or cannot wrap their head around Dycides culture and decide to return to their homeland. Taxes are high in Davos but the quality of life is good, and most find ways to fleece Ethium travelers efficiently of coin while helping them establish their first passport.  

History(Coming Soon)



As the population of Davos is fairly low compared to many nations they are able to hold democratic elections at the local and national level with ease. Grouse Lightfoot is a life long islander who has positive relationships with a ridiculously long list of families and so she has won the last few elections on charm over new policies. Since she took office exporting transient populations to the mainland has been a primary goal she has achieved but most other goals she has at least claimed to work toward have ground to a stop.  


When departing Davos everyone is expected to file exit paperwork, to keep track of the number of Ethium Refugees entering and Dycides people leaving managed effectively. This paperwork is often intrusive but seen as a necessary evil to keep account of people’s movements. People going missing is sadly a reality along the border (due to either lost ships or potential abduction from the nearby Coalheart fleet), and Davos does its best to protect those who go missing or at least keep track of how they believe they could have been lost. Outside of permission grants to leave Davos, laws are enforced with an average degree of expectation with the rest of the Dycides.  


Ethium Refugee’s are limited every month by the High Council. Sometimes this means Davos’ population tends to swing as the needs of Ethium varies. Though not constant this can lead upward of a delay of one to four months in Davos. The local hostels are set up to deal with overflow are not pleasant but horrible, and the local people often try to help ease the financial burdens of those staled in travel by giving refugees simple jobs to make some spending gold while on the island. The local bards help keep the population calm through both real and figurative hard weather, and most do not dislike the stay, as the old song “Stuck in Davos again,” is a well loved melody across the Dycides among those who have ancestors in Ethium.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Shady Smiles Refuge
Grouse Lightfoot
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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