Duskmouth Halls Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Duskmouth Halls

Basic Info

Region: Western Gith Range

Motto: In Our Halls All May Rest

Alignment: Neutral Good

Capital: Greybloom Passage

Cities: Ritov Fort City, Protector’s Lament, Liliana’s Chasm, and Silent Peak

Ruler(Race): Manaborn Sola Arngrim (Freebooter Elf)

Government Type: Magocracy

Languages: Common, Elven, and Necril

Religion: Open Religious Views

Qualities: Spells and Magic Primary Focus. Learning, Science, and Art Secondary Focus. Commercial, Trade, and Religion Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan with a larger than normal population of Dhampir and Tiefling.

Common Classes: Sorcerer and Wizard common, Inquisitor and Magus less common, Monk and Witch uncommon.


Quick Description

The largest gold mines, and the only platinum mine in the Dycides were gifted to the people of the Duskmouth as the majority of the Oread began their slow retreat into the Dragon’s Tongue Mountains. While many would expect this new nation to become a valued member of the spread of Abadar, instead they chose to take to empathy through magic as their purpose. Elves who had long ago broken ties with Imperial ancestry helped guide this land that would counter the egotism of their homeland to become a place of enlightenment and kindness to all. Similar to their trading partner of Maven’s Sanctuary they take in anyone who is in need and has no homeland of their own. As Dhampir and Teifling are cast out they found solace in Duskmouth, where all are treated as equals.  

History(Coming Soon)



The Manaborn is a title given to the magical caster who has the greatest skill in spellcrafting, and by that generating new magic rather than memorize the most spells of an ancient spellbook. Sola is the fifth Manaborn and has lived in the Duskmouth Halls for over two hundred years and served as the Manaborn for the last one hundred and seventy of them. She proved herself by creating the Aetherwash, a river of ocean water that flows to the top of the Greybloom Passage allowing the first direct passage between the Inner Sea and the Kessar. This linkage allows massive ships to pass both up and back down again changing the flow of trade in the Dycides to direct through Duskmouth Halls and down the Dragon’s Tooth River. The tax on such travel is relatively low but it brings even more coin to this rich nation. Sola herself is a merry soul who enjoys making merry with her fellows, long discussions about experimental magic, and helping Dhampir and Tiefling get their feet under them as they adjust to a more just existence. Bigots might dislike her, but don’t typically stay in Duskmouth, so the majority of the region se her as a hero of the age.  


While the platinum and gold mines of the region are well secured and fortified, there are few guards in public spaces. Crime is well watched as most places of business use a variety of magical sensors to detect underhanded actions. Judgement is careful and considers all aspects of a criminal’s reasoning before reaching judgement, with a jury of peers typically making that decision. Penalties are similar to the Old Dycides, but prisoners are expected to mine in the iron or copper mines to earn their food and beds. There are laws in the Duskmouth Halls that require any public, non-guild magic to be sanctioned by a member of the Guild of Magicks. As experimenting with the scope of magic is encouraged in the halls it should be done with scrutiny and understanding of enders to ensure that mishaps do not harm anyone.  


The people of the Duskmouth Halls are welcome to traders who are not from the Iron Grasp or the Kingdom of White Flowers, viewing both societies reprehensible. Sola herself whenever possible likes to meet anyone spending time in her city, and though a few assassination attempts have happened, none of it has dampened her spirit of kindness and care.   One aspect about Duskmouth Halls that most in the Dycides find reprehensible is the art of necromancy is studies and used with few limitations. While some in the Pharasma and Sarenrae Churches are livid by this normalization, any magic that effects the soul is highly limited. The rationale for the people of Duskmouth is simple, an automation or necromancy seems better to leave to do back breaking labor in the mines than people. The disdain between the Iron Grasp and Duskmouth Halls is mutual and severe, but both need workers, and those of Duskmouth believe they have the higher ground. A sect of Pharasma has made it their duty to make sure that only the dead who have given permission for their bodies to be used this way, or non-sentient monsters be used this way. The church of Sarenrae are split on this issue finding necromancy distasteful but accepting that the rationale is a good one. The Manaborn had many debates with the last Maven over the last hundred years.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Greybloom Passage
Ritov Fort City
Protector’s Lament
Liliana’s Chasm
Silent Peak
The Manaborn Sola Arngrim
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade



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