Family of the Flame Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Family of the Flame

Basic Info

Region: Red Crater

Motto: Our Eyes are Open

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Capital: The Molten Wood

Cities: ---

Ruler(Race): Speaker Orloc (refers to an unknown higher power, but the standard envoy sent to Council)

Government Type: Theocracy (Unknown)

Languages: Common and Draconic

Religion: Unknown

Qualities: Religion Primary Focus. Military, Spells, and Magic Secondary Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Gnome, Elf, Ifrit, Half-Orc, and Lizardfolk.

Common Classes: Witch and Champion common, Oracle and Bard less common, Fighter and Cleric uncommon.


Quick Description

The Family of Flame reside on the volcano gifted to the Ifrit in ancient days. The Family are not the ancient Ifrit society that has since dispersed mainly to the Prekrine but across all of the Dycides. Visiting the island without invitation is known to be punishable by death or enslavement, they rarely trade on their own lands, preferring to send envoys, all with an eye on their foreheads. Sometimes it appeared as painted in blood for others it appears carved in but it is never explained other than a blessing of their family. Some assume this a representation of Lamashtu, as her sigil is a three eyed jackal. Others see a darker meaning.  

History(Coming Soon)



Speaker Orloc is the closest thing to a known personage to be a face for the Family of the Flame. He visits High Council and often boards the strange wide barges that trade with the outside world. Orloc references that he must speak to those above him to gain insight, an regularly talks to himself. Most proposals for laws that Orloc brings to High Table are bizarre and inhumane. They include laws that all children older than two who break a law be tried as adults, that any entrance to a court be smeared with calf blood in the morning or be charged a fine, or that all right ring fingers be removed and sent to the family. These strange motions are voted down, but any who question why they are brought to the table are met with an unnerving unblinking stare that would disturb a Grippli.  


Privacy is the most important law to the Family of the Flame, as they rarely give the right to visit their land, those who leave have most of what they have seen erased from their mind, but they can remember fragments of overgrown lands with rivers of magma. Another law of note is related to incest being acceptable, and potentially encouraged. A disturbing this to say the least of this mysterious place.  


As members of the Family of the Flame all wear their blood eye on their foreheads proudly they are easy enough to identify. Most that recognize the symbol give them a wide berth, they find interactions with merchants fleeting and direct. They find discounts where they go if nothing else then to keep them from haggling. Suspicion follows them with their intents more carefully than any tiefling.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

The Molten Wood
Speaker Orloc (Emissary)
Actual Leadership-Unknown
Geopolitical, Country

Little to No Trade


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