Free Cities of Mezal Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Free Cities of Mezal

Basic Info

Region: Mezal Mountains

Motto: Our Home In Exile

Alignment: Lawful Good

Capital: Featherfall Arcade

Cities: Gloomshire, Invertia City, Greybeard Fortress, and Silverstine Landing

Ruler(Race): Governor Sten Rothschild (Silverblood Dwarf)

Government Type: Democracy

Languages: Common and Dwarven

Religion: Open Religious Views, with an Emphasis for Torag

Qualities: Industry Primary Focus. Religion, Commercial, and Trade Secondary Focus. Spells, Magic, Learning, and Spells Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: 25% Silverblood Dwarves, 75% Cosmopolitan.

Common Classes: Cleric and Monk common, Sorcerer and Oracle less common, Bard and Champion uncommon.


Quick Description

While people existed in the Mezal mountains before the arrival of the Silverbloods, the Silverbloods brought with them civilization. A mixture of diverse groups including immigrants from the Dycides, Hearthhaven and Gevat, this land is a melting pot of ideas and knowledge. Tapping into the rock and their potency for magic, the Silverbloods hve created a land where all are given a voice, and all are given rights.  

History(Coming Soon)



The governership is a lifelong appointment, but if the people want to recall their leader a new election is held on the following spring. Their current leader, Governer Sten Rothschild has been in office for thirty five years and is a sorcerer, Torag faithful, and respected member of the community. Sten is regularly travelling between the Free Cities to ensure that every voice and every person was being supported. A hawk when it comes to exploitation or slavery, he actively finds ways to keep the wealth of trade from the Mezals into the hands of the people rather than the wealthiest citizens.  


The Free Cities of Mezal have the most open Democracy where a group of champions, senators and judges evaluate laws presented by the people, then those that pass muster are voted on by every member of the population, then are signed into law by their open elected Governer Sten Rothschild. As these laws come forward, some are used to create an imbalance of powers or direct corruption, and so the right to repeal these laws is left to a council of Torag champions. Abadar has little influence on the Free Cities out of spite for the SIlverbloods, and by trusting in Torag the Mezals find themselves in what they consider safer hands. Most laws are punished by either prison time, the loss of titles and monetary charges.  


The architects of the free cities are given freedom to design purely monumental designs. Now integrated with the diversity of ideas from all of the civilizations across the continent, their aspirations have grown. The people of the Mezal are open and honest with newcomers, leaving caution to the wind and extending an open hand to even Tiefling (but their views on Dhampir are still uncomfortable). This has allowed certain levels of abuse and corruption into their society, but most trust the Champions of Torag to guide their civilization into the future with a fair hand.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Featherfall Arcade
Invertia City
Greybeard Fortress
Silverstine Landing
Governor Sten Rothschild
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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