Gevat Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Basic Info


Motto: Lavish your Cruelty

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Capital: Unknown

Cities: Few large cities many encampments

Ruler(Race): Many (All Rakshasa)

Government Type: Dictatorships

Languages: Common, Infernal, Abyssal, and Undercommon

Religion: Anti-religion Extremist

Qualities: Many and varied

Racial Breakdown: Diverse with high proportion of Lizardfolk, Orcs, and Humans.

Common Classes: Barbarian and Sorcerer common, Druid and Alchemist less common, Fighter and Rogue uncommon.


Quick Description

After the Age of Invasion and the lost of nearly a quarter of the Dycides at the time, the Gevat are the outside foe that the Dycides fears most. When expanding initially into the swamps of Gevat, under instructions from their Genie lords, the early people of the Dycides thought the Gevat a dull people who retreated back into the swamp and occasionally traded with the Dycid occupation. When the time for their reprisal came the Dycides was entirely unready. Three kingdoms of old, Alva, Pernallax, and Matei were lost in less than a month consumed by an endless flood of bodies. Spies hidden among the people assassinated leadership and only by putting all the force the Dycides could muster did they stop their lands from being overrun. Since the land of these kingdoms has been converted into swamp which serves as the border between the two lands since. The some Rakshasa leadership of Gevat signed the non-aggression pact but some refused. While some believe war is done and are open to trading with the Gevat (The Free Cities of Mezal the greatest of them), almost a thousand years later, Gevat are the monster still under the bed for the peaceful Dycides.  

History(Coming Soon)



The Gevat are the Rakshasa, treated as the pinnacle of evolution, their materialistic side and abject cruelty is apparent. If it weren’t for a mutual distaste for other races they would get along well enough with Imperial Elves. The Rakshasa however succeeded in subjugating their land and all people serve them with a mad zeal, knowing what fate those that disappoint the Rakshasa face. Immune to many forms of non-holy attack, they laugh as they slowly rip their victims apart with their backwards limbs and animal heads. Capable at disguising their true nature from birth, the Leadership caste of the Rakshasa are an untold number. Few people of the Dycides venture deep into the swamps, and of those that do, few return alive or trusted again to not be a replacement.  


The laws of the so called “Earthbound Devils” are simple enough, pleasure is good, to deny oneself pleasure is worthy of death. To not take the selfish road is worthy of death, to not be traitorous to gain power is worthy of death. To worship anyone but oneself is worthy of death. All of those things together create a society that should tear itself apart if it were not fear of those who reside on the throne. There is a caste system in the Gevat but details on it are scarce. Ironically it may have been in the source of Atar’s idea to create castes among his own society.  


Gevat sends messengers to High Table every few years to remind the lords of the Dycides of the pact. These messengers then commit suicide, possibly a sick reminder of the power the Rakshasa hold over their citizens. Those Gevati humans that come to the Dycides are either messengers, missionaries or exiles from the endless swamp. They are often treated like lepers, and most look the part. Occasionally a Rakshasa will be discovered as a member of prominence in Dycid communities. They are often accused of replacing someone but at times they were always that person. The reality that Rakshasa can be born in the Dycides is a truly disturbing idea to most.  
Rakshasa Spirit
Geopolitical, Empire

Open Trade

Non-Aggression Pact



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