Gith-ro-tul Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Basic Info

Region: Gith Range which is commonly called the Dragon’s Tongue

Motto: We have been Sitting, Watching Tomorrow Sunrise, Awaiting Your Sail

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Capital: Gith-anzar-inbar

Cities: Creblin’s Choke, Gith-shim-rin, Gith-kheled-zaram, Scavenger’s Hole, and Gith-nala-dum

Ruler(Race): Bura Tur (Oread Genieborn)

Government Type: Monarchy

Languages: In the Peaks: Common, Dwarven, and Oread. At the base: Common

Religion: Open Religious Views, with an Emphasis for Irori

Qualities: Art Primary Focus. Religion and Industry Secondary Focus. Military, Commercial, and Trade Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: In the Peaks: Oread and small populations of other races. At the base: Cosmopolitan.

Common Classes: Monk and Oracle common, Cleric and Druid less common, Fighter and Wizard uncommon.


Quick Description

The Gith mountains start with the Duskmouth Halls and grow into a massive chain called the Dragons Tongue. The Dragon’s Tongue has been eroded away and the roots of the mountains are permeated with sea caves that might be excellent hidden trade routes if it were not for the pirates who call this lower land and water their home. Above among the peaks and sunlight the Oread meditate, sculpt the mountains, watch and protect the peaks. The Oread who control Gith-ro-tul have been asked to deal with the pirates that dwell below, and their response has been simple and dull, “Water is not ours, high peak and a view eastward, our task is set there.” This mystic and not helpful answer is the standard give and take when speaking to the Oread from Gith-ro-tul. Other oread are more grounded in the world and it’s comings and goings, taking change slowly in turn. Those that life high in the mountains can be fiercely territorial seeming to take a divine purpose in protecting and making beautiful the great eastern mountains.

History(Coming Soon)



In Gith-anzar-inbar their “leader by blood” is Bura Tur, which most outsiders assume is either a witch or wizard. She rules over the council of eldest, which again there is very little information about. The goals of most of the people in the peaks, are left to their worship of those who delivered freedom. Bura Tur has made it clear her territory can only be entered through Gith-nala-dum, and all trade will go through this land. Her clear idea of what is acceptable or not are clear to the high council and her unbending will is hard to match. Her predecessors have a rule established that those whose hearts are troubled may enter the holy mountains to find peace there. After the war with the Gevat outsiders were welcome to come and reflect on their experiences to move past them. Bura Tur seems less likely to indulge requests for entrance and uses Gith-nala-dum as a trading post and not an entrance anymore.   There is no unification among the pirates that live deep under the mountains, but they tend to be serving the will of Bura Tur as well, limiting travel and entrance to their land.  


Laws related everyday life in Gith-ro-tul are relatively lax, and crime is low as most find there is enough food and luxuries that the peaceful and quiet people have no reason to be fearful or hate in their hearts. Matters of crime seem entirely focused on preserving the border, and those that attempt to enter and do not immediately surrender are killed on sight. While still active traders, something has changed after the events in Ethium that has the Gith-ro-tul locked down.  


The people of the mountain are cordial and kind when greeted in Gith-nala-dum, happy to interact with traders or those that export their goods across the Dycides. When asked about their leaders new rules about securing the land they politely change the topic to other issues. They seem keen to have news of other lands and enjoy long meandering conversations.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Creblin’s Choke
Scavenger’s Hole
Bura Tur
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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