Goliath's Altar Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Goliath's Altar

Basic Info

Region: Goliath Island

Motto: As we Go, We all Return

Alignment: True Neutral

Capital: Altartop

Cities: ---

Ruler(Race): One, of the Carmine Wind (Sylph Genieborn)

Government Type: Philosopher King

Languages: Auran, Common, Draconic, Elven and Giant.

Religion: Open Religious Views

Qualities: Learning and Science Primary Focus. Spells, Magic, and Art Secondary Focus. Religious and Industry Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Sylph. Small populations of other races.

Common Classes: Rogue and Wizard common, Witch and Monk less common, Bard and Alchemist uncommon.


Quick Description

Those that live in the Central Dycides region are able to see the Cloud Fortress on most clear days and think this place is the one location in the world raised high above all others. They are unaware of another great work of old, Goliath Island and its Sylph keepers in Altartop. Separate from the rest of the world, those that fly there or climb the infinite stair, look across the Southern Dycides and reflect on the nature of society. Lead by a Philosopher King, they seek the best way to guide the world forward working toward great wisdom but are caught is abstract needs and balance. Those that visit Altartop and leave again are often changed in their perspective on many assumptions in their lives.  

History(Coming Soon)



Crime is a rare occurrence and looking after a people resolving conflict is the way they keep any escalation from occurring, the chief official of a family is referred to as the ‘One.’ Though prone to fits of frustration and emotions away from Altartop, Sylph who live there are required to master their impulses. The ‘One’ who is greatest at searching their emotions and helping others reach perspective is deemed the Philosopher King in charge. Though they have truly only as much power as their ability to give wisdom, One of the Carmine Wind is a loving kind energetic father to the community. Spry of both mind and body he often calls sessions of debate that get heated into a break to play elaborate games or pranks. One of his most important roles, in his opinion, is to keep the ambitious minds of his people from falling to darker thoughts. Giving them opportunities to still hold the zest of life they had when they were below amongst the people of the Dycides.  


Most laws revolve along the idea of autonomy. Intelligent outsiders and souls need to be left alone because they deserve their autonomy, as well as the idea magic should not be used on someone to remove their rights as an individual. The Sylph are very careful to let non-Sylph into Altartop and require an attendant to be with them at all times. This is partially is a security measure, as the Sylph very rarely commit crimes and live with gullible assumptions that no one will break into their homes. The attendant is also there to explain anything that is odd to the outsider who may need things clarified about life above. Exile is the most common punishment for crimes, and is horrifying to the Sylph people. Though most children going through adolescence are “Exiled” this is ceremonial as a way to experience the world among other people, and when they are ready to return they are welcomed home.  


Most people think little of Goliath’s Altar, as their people do little to influence the people of the world directly anymore. The only trade that goes on is for rare goods to be brought by adventurers, or magical items or import ordered from lands far away. They require nothing from the greater world, but do enjoy the tales of the land they have extracted themselves from. A rare few never make their journey into the lands before and are treated with fragile care for they know nothing but a life of peaceful innocence. Those that go below, and One, of the Carmine Wind enjoy interjecting themselves in politics. Any meeting at High Table with “Old man Carmine” tends to go his way. One, of the Carmine Wind usually sees himself successful if the world has been brought into greater balance or if he has gotten another leader to take on a new perspective.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

One, of the Carmine Wind
Geopolitical, Country

Limited Trade


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