Imperium Pavos Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Imperium Pavos

Basic Info

Region: Pelican Island

Motto: The Fist of the Dycides

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Capital: Litra Anchorage

Cities: Onolg’s Lagoon and Eastport Breakwater

Ruler(Race): Commadore Senjo Ghast (Half-Orc Pain Weaver)

Government Type: Plutocracy

Languages: Common

Religion: Open Religious Views

Qualities: Industry Primary Focus. Commercial, Trade, and Military Secondary Focus. Learning, Science, Fishing, and Farming Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan

Common Classes: Fighter and Rogue common, Slayer and Bard less common, Sorcerer and Alchemist uncommon.


Quick Description

The greatest single united navy sails out from the Imperium Pavos, keeping the South Kessar Sea safe for those with documentation travelling the southern islands and keeping the growing fleet of the Iron Grasp in check. With the help of lawful druids who keep their forests regrown, and the industrious nature of the people, they build boats of high quality faster than any other known place on the continent. Rather than rely on only tradition they are constantly engineering with magic and minds more effective ships than ever seen in the Dycides. A hearty but kind people, they believe the order of law comes first and hospitality second.  

History(Coming Soon)



While technically a democracy, it leans toward plutocracy as one of the requirements to hold any office is to have a business under your name profitable for 10 years. This expectation implies the leader will have roots in the Imperium and can manage a business well and will have those ideals represented forward. It came with some shock when the first business owner that didn’t run a shipyard took the office three years ago fir his decade long term. Then Captain Ghast ran a mercenary company, Senjo’s Clan, for fifteen years and now middle aged ran on one argument: taxing the affluent shipwrights guildmasters (the assumed victors), bringing the budget into order and balancing the marketplace. A spurious campaign about his ancestry came but he was waved into the Commadore position with a happy public. Not one for speeches or excess he set about whipping the industry into shape and seeing dockworkers and the craftsmen of the city got their fair share. He is beloved not for his charms but his sense of a fair marketplace.  


Laws are slightly stricter in Imperium Pavos as compared to the rest of the Dycides. Traditionally unregulated fire magic or Arson are punishable by death, and though the town is now made of stone, fires of the old days were truly horrible to behold. Education among children is very praised, those with a mind for mathematics go on to be trained in the engineering corps, and are highly sought after to become designers, while the more physically able serve on ships and learn about sailing incredibly early. The entrance tax for Imperium Pavos covers all the needs of the ship and is designed to make sure any crew members have a chance to spend some time off their ships and experiencing town. Weapons are also checked as part of the check in and check out process. Though often considered a ship builder’s society, craftsmen of all kinds kind find success (and under Senjo are flourishing) making it an excellent place to find any gear needed or compete to build a better weapon yourself.  


The Imperium was once staggered by the emancipation of Davos, but have since come to terms with it viewing the relaxed islanders as business partners. Let Davos provide the smiling face, while the Imperium provides the muscle to keep everyone safe. The Taxes the Imperium levies from Prater Point, Davos, Life’s Spice, and Salvan are heavy, but it has kept each of these nations safe without having to invest in a heavy fleet. With gnomish cannons common on the fleet of the Imperium, giant artillery systems guarding their ports, their role as security in the South is established. Some members of the Imperium view the other islands as essentially vassal states, but they do it quietly so as not to draw the ire of potential customers.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Litra Anchorage
Onolg’s Lagoon
Eastport Breakwater
Commadore Senjo Ghast
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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