Life's Spice Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Life's Spice

Basic Info

Region: Bone Island

Motto: Pleasure Beyond Pleasure

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Capital: The Crescent of Plenty

Cities: ---

Ruler(Race): Lord Granthur Sirensong (Free Spirit (half) Elf)

Government Type: Monarchy

Languages: Common and Elven

Religion: Open Religious Views with an emphasis for Calistria.

Qualities: Art Primary Focus. Military, Spells, and Magic Secondary Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan

Common Classes: Bard and Fighter common, Slayer and Sorcerer less common, Gunslinger and Alchemist uncommon.


Quick Description

Life’s Spice was born from the white sand beaches of Bone Island, and Lord Granthur will be the first to point out the irony of the name. The Crescent of Plenty is devoted to debauchery, lust, music and dance. While any thought it would become a pirate port, the strict mercenary army that has been established has kept the rule of law in the streets. The embrace in payment to the Imperium for naval protection keeps the waterways clear of filth. What defines your success in Life’s Spice is how much gold you have and how you can refuse it in light of the delectable vices offered. Few leave the island with gold in their hand or a frown on their face.  

History(Coming Soon)



The leader of the Island is Lord Granthur Sirensong, and he has no intent to set up any succession or name a way to have that crown pass from his head. Severely egotistical, he tends to either scare or take those who are chaste under his wing to free them of that fetter. Very little is known about the origin of the city or the Lord himself, only that it seemed built before the first people moved in, the ragged jungle turned to organized fields, and each bed stuffed with down and lovers to boot. No one in general questions him in an drunken mood and obeys his law with care for many say he can be truly cruel in anger.  


Each person that steps off a vessel is asked to pay a cover charge of 2,500 gp that must be paid again each morning. In the eyes of Granthur it keeps the little business of payment for individual services minimized and encourages all to drink and be merry to their hearts extent. Those that work in Life’s Spice are well cared for well-funded making orders of magnitude more than they would plying their skills anywhere else. Though frivolity is encouraged there are limits that those drunk with excess cross at times and they are swiftly removed before they can cause damage to themselves or others.  


Initially seen only as a place of hedonism and excess Granthur has set up Life’s Spice as a place to address income inequality. His philanthropy toward the poor in his travels has risen many a failing township. He drains money from the exceedingly decadent and donates much of his gain to the smaller folk. This semi-heroic persona has kept him in business keeping the wealthy happy to know he is no dragon hoarding their wealth for a nefarious purpose.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

The Crescent of Plenty
Lord Granthur Sirensong
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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