Maven's Sanctuary Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Maven's Sanctuary

Basic Info

Region: Jewel of the Maw

Motto: Those without blades, build

Alignment: Neutral Good

Capital: Reconciliation

Cities: ---

Ruler(Race): Maven Esyreo (Maven Ginara deceased) (Dycides Human)

Government Type: Theocracy (of Sarenrae)

Languages: Common

Religion: Limited to non-Evil religions

Qualities: Religious Primary Focus. Learning, Science, and Art Secondary Focus. Spells, Magic, Fishing, and Farming Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan

Common Classes: Cleric and Monk common, Champion and Druid less common, Oracle and Witch uncommon.


Quick Description

Maven’s Sanctuary is the last hope for the grievously diseased, a place of spirituality and meditation, and accepted as nearly as sacred as the Cloud Fortress itself. Since first settled by Sarenrae’s faithful it has been a home to those healing from injuries of the body, mind and soul. Few have ever spilled blood or threatened those who worshipped there, and the rest of the Dycides has always come to swift defense to the small island nation. Pirates respect her sovereign waters, and often bring their wounded to be healed. Home to both the largest orphanage and largest temple of faith in the Dycides, Maven’s Sanctuary is a place that no matter your crimes or your past, you can be healed and be redeemed.  

History(Coming Soon)



The Maven is the highest priestess of Sarenrae on the island, and her rule is law. Any ruling or changes to Reconciliation that is made is done with meditation on Sarenrae’s will and often takes time and careful thought. The status of the Maven is currently in flux, as after a long life, of one hundred and fifteen years Maven Ginara has passed into Sarenrae’s bosom. Typically the next Maven is chosen by the purist of heart of the young priestesses that were the previous Maven’s attendants. Maven Ginara picked her successor, Maven Esyreo, but there were issues with the pronouncement among some of the senior clerics of the island. After officially being named Maven, Maven Esyreo will tour the majority of the Dycides to learn the nature of the land she will give the rest of her life to heal.  


When crimes are committed in Maven’s Sanctuary the Monks quickly apprehend culprits and bring them to judgement by the High Maven or one if her senior clerics. Stripped of their belongings and placed in rooms without bars or any security but the monks that live in the area, they are questioned rigorously to determine guilt before being brought to the Maven. The most common punishments include meditation and counselling, as restorative justice is a foundational belief in the city of Reconciliation. Those who are too heinous to remain of the island are judged on the mainland in High Table by the Key Council themselves.  


Maven’s Sanctuary has one predatory animal on the island, the Fading Fox. Originally bred to be hunted in the land by nobles, the population quickly diminished due to being over hunted. The Maven’s took a pair to their island to address the rabbit population destroying the healing herbs across the island. They have since been deemed the Sacred Animal of the Island and serve as pets and loyal animals. And so all things are in Maven’s Sanctuary. Those that wish to be redeemed orthose struggling to survive are made whole here. The sanctuary sends salves, ointments, and balms into the world and receives donations from mot civilized nations in return.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Maven Ginara (deceased)
Maven Esyreo (Annointed to become Maven soon)
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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