Old Dycides Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Old Dycides

Basic Info

Region: The Divide

Motto: North to South, Our Horns Blow

Alignment: Lawful Good

Capitals: Sanctuary and Pantheon’s Heart

Cities: Feymelt Center, Giant’s Descent, Clevermore, Roten’s Palace, and Sothsheim City

Ruler(Race): Lord Jovan and Lady Vathri “The Dycid” Mavarak (Cityborn Half-Orcs)

Government Type: Representative Democracy

Languages: Common

Religion: Open Religious Views

Qualities: Farming and Fishing Primary Focus. Art and Religion Secondary Focus. Spells, Magic, Commercial, and Trade Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan

Common Classes: Cleric and Ranger common, Slayer and Bard less common, Rogue and Fighter uncommon.


Quick Description

The core of what used to be a vast singular country known as the Dycides, Old Dycides contains the old farm belt, the twin Capitals (Di=two, cides=cities), and the spirit of the old grand civilization. Cities with banners of every color and smiles wide and kind, the Old Dycides finds an opulent way to flaunt their history. Lead by a council of senators and an elected Lord and Lady the people of the Dycides believe through twin minds and hearts all can succeed.  

History(Coming Soon)



Every fifteen years at Fall Festival a couple is chosen from every town across Old Dycides who represents honor, temperance, love, and kindness to their home community. Those chosen are voted by their local community and sent to a grand ball in Pantheon’s Heart where among those families they select a single couple amongst them. That couple spends the next 15 years as Lord and Lady of “The Dycid” a mostly ceremonial role with the power to veto new laws or sign them into power. They spend the rest of their lives as a royal family, even after they pass their crown along. Elected less than a year are Lady and Lord Mavarak. Lady Vathri is cool and careful while her husband Lord Jovan is fiery and proud. Together with their first child Lily they guide the future of the Old Dycides.  


Judges are elected in the twin capitals and are sent to live among each of the major cities of Old Dycides. They set the average in many nations and their rulings often become the standard across the Dycides so they take a long time before making any decision weighing the pros and cons carefully. Sentencing most commonly are fines or prison time, but in the case of violent crimes they are met with public execution or rarely slavery for a set number of years to repay their communities for the violation they perpetrated.  


Debate and discussion are like food and water to the people of Old Dycides. They could barter over goods for hours or tell stories that last for days. Genuinely Most folk are welcoming in Old Dycides, but they hold to traditional biases against Dhampir, Tieflings and Lizardfolk. They are also not a magical centric community and often fear magic use, calling the guards when it is seen and not explained thoroughly. Finally festivals for a myriad of reasons are celebrated across Old Dycides, and give a chance for many to revel in glad tidings of a land in peace and prosperity.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Pantheon’s Heart
Feymelt Center
Giant’s Descent
Roten’s Palace
Sothsheim City
Lord Jovan and Lady Vathri “The Dycid” Mavarak
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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