Prater Point Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Prater Point

Basic Info

Region: Dragon Jaw Wilds and the Deep Glade

Motto: Chivalry and Honor above all

Alignment: Lawful Good

Capital: Hall of Faith

Cities: Hall of the Stoic, Hall of Purity, Hall of Nobility, Hall of Duty and Hall of Charity

Ruler(Race): The Blue Knighthood (various)

Government Type: Feudalist

Languages: Common

Religion: Open Religious Views, with an Emphasis for Iomedae

Qualities: Fishing and Farming Primary Focus. Military, Commercial, and Trade Secondary Focus. Learning, Science, and Art Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan

Common Classes: Champion and Fighter common, Inquisitor and Ranger less common, Cleric and Slayer uncommon.


Quick Description

During the war with the Gevat a knighthood was formed worshipping Iomedae and cutting down their enemies with righteous blades. The Blue Knighthood of Iomedae sought to find a new land to care for refugees from the war to call their own, and in their journeys they came to found Prater Point. They rested the land where the Hall of Faith would be built from dangerous beasts, and protected it for those who wished a life and land of their own. Their order has since expanded to establish five more cities and though cultivating and changing the harsh jungles has proven difficult, those protectors of righteousness still hold to their oaths to keep any safe who fear.  

History(Coming Soon)



Each city in Prater Point has a court of 11 (often diverse) knights who see to the governance of the land. They select any worthy soul of Iomedae to help govern the town but they have to be some form of priest, cleric, inquisitor or champion of her will. While any non-evil god may be worshipped Iomedae’s church is always build in the center of town and her image in engraved across it. Each town if arranged by a virtue the Blue Knighthood has taken into its creed. Though the Blue Knighthood owns all of the land and buildings that make up the cities, they allow any in need to have lodgings.  


Violating the law if the city in general results in normal repercussions. The town guards turn to the Blue Knighthood for judgement of crimes. Slavery however is a tool of Asmodeus in their mind and never an acceptable act. With the founding of the Hall of Charity twenty years ago they caused a major stir as this city takes in slaves and goes through the steps to free them from their enslavement. Other nations have made it clear, while slavery can be considered evil, it is at times a deserved act. The Hall of Charity has made it clear they are not waging a holy war against slavery, but only aiding slaves in meeting reconciliation with their nations and masters. Queen Surga Stoneheart has since broken all trade with Prater Point.  


Their relatively monotheistic setting often rankles those of different faiths, as the townsfolk believe owe their continued existence to one god. Whispers in High Table say, “we don’t need a singular cult of Iomedae like the cult of Atar.” That being said the people of Prader Point are often kind to strangers and trade with their ocean neighbors and the mainland. Their bring attitude can sometimes be marred by the deaths that occasionally happen due to attacks by great beasts. They believe with a sense of surety that one day the Dragon Jaw Wilds will be tamed. To that the Blood Conclave say that such a goal is wrong and impossible, but anyone can try as they like.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Hall of Faith
Hall of the Stoic
Hall of Purity
Hall of Nobility
Hall of Duty
Hall of Charity
The Blue Knighthood
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade



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