Prekrine Dominion Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Prekrine Dominion

Basic Info

Region: Prekrine Desert

Motto: No Dune Left Untracked

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Capital: Gladius Oasis

Cities: Windless Kopesh, Kanet’s Preservation, Brevity Junction, Claymore Crater, Sabre Refugee, Falxpoint, Nexus Stone Dungeon

Ruler(Race): PKD Trade League (various)

Government Type: Plutocracy

Languages: Common

Religion: Open Religious Views

Qualities: Commercial and Trade Primary Focus. Religion, Spells, and Magic Secondary Focus. Military and Industry Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan (few Grippli)

Common Classes: Fighter and Wizard common, Barbarian and Ranger less common, Slayer and Rogue uncommon.


Quick Description

The Prekrine Dominion has seen better days. It was once the main path between the Ethium Empire and was able to tax the process with little economic regulation. As Ethium has changed and new passages made available, the Prekrine Dominion (PKD) has shifted their income. They rely more and more on the mithril shipments coming from the Iron Grasp and building their cities into tourist locations for common folk and adventurers alike. The discovery of the Nexus Stone Dungeon and other similar sites call to those seeking ancient treasure at risk to life and limb. The PKD Trade League is also boasts great craftsmen, to whom they hope will draw more visitors to sample their exotic goods.  

History(Coming Soon)



PKD Trade League are a voting mass that include the head of each private business in the PKD, and are awarded votes based on how many non-slave employees they have working for them. In each city they vote for a Prime Minister, and those Prime Ministers meet in a different city once every six months to discuss the state of the PKD and define the laws. This system forces their leaders to see the entire PKD over time and understand the challenges facing people in different regions. This governance has been what keeps the sprawling PKD united, as well as surviving this more challenging time with less traffic across their lands.  


In these desert and savannah communities the rule of law is absolute. Those who violate the rights of their neighbors in a land as dangerous as the Prekrine are punished severely. Losing fingers, brands and whips are common for most non-violent crimes. The mere threat of being sent to the Iron Grasp or the Executioners of the Red Hand for a major offense makes most who live in the Prekrine careful. Those travelers and tourists that violate local laws are often not treated as harshly. Businesses in the PKD are often allowed for direct inheritance, encouraging those that want to secure a family business with little Abadar intervention are drawn to the PKD.  


Trade is life and death in the PKD. Living in the deep desert is a challenge, and especially with the populations of their cities as high as they are they rely on trade and tourism to survive. This has softened them in many ways to the Iron Grasp, viewing the Coalhearts cruel acts as a very necessary evil. By drawing in adventuring guilds, they can charge the guilds for the great fortunes they may unlock from the last few hidden corners of the ancient desert and those that came before.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Gladius Oasis
Windless Kopesh
Kanet’s Preservation
Brevity Junction
Claymore Crater
Sabre Refugee
Nexus Stone Dungeon
PKD Trade League
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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