Salvan Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Basic Info

Region: Mirror Island

Motto: Our Light in Darkness

Alignment: Neutral Good

Capital: New Alvasta City

Cities: Lowperch

Ruler(Race): Professor Evarmoss (Bloodstained Dhampir)

Government Type: Geniocracy (Rule by the most intelligent)

Languages: All Languages

Religion: Open Religious Views

Qualities: Learning and Science Primary Focus. Arts, Spells, and Magic Secondary Focus. Religion, Farming, and Fishing Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Elven, Gnome, Dwarf, Dhampir, and Genieborn. Small populations of other races.

Common Classes: Bard and Wizard common, Alchemist and Magus less common, Rogue and Witch uncommon.


Quick Description

In Salvan all answers can be found by those dedicated enough to apply themselves. The College of Civilization makes of the majority of New Alvasta, and is a monument to principled study and learning. The university is the greatest and nearly only non-arcane specific college in the Dycides. While they have much to offer wizards in term of spell craft their focus is on knowledge and growing the mind. Many bards spend time in the halls learning and filling them with music, verse, speech, and story. Graduates or professors of the Colleges of Alvasta are given respect for mastery over some field of knowledge. Those who grow up on the island find themselves with great expectations for their lives.  

History(Coming Soon)



As the island circulates around their college, their elected leadership are often professors. Most view the leadership of the college a time consuming laborious task that takes time from other research and study. Managing the budget is the only aspect that some aspire to the job for, but the doldrums of managing the courts and making rulings drives most away. Professor Evarmoss has taken on the duty for the last two decades but spent much of that time in the shadows, trying not to give up the semi-secret of his condition as a Bloodstained Dhampir. When someone finally outed his condition, rather than reject him, he found himself surrounded by defenders of his ethical and principled nature. In truth some who disliked him fought for him, as they simply didn’t want to be suggested to take up the post.


While weapons and magical components are expected to be left on ships, those enrolled in the college are allowed to procure any weapons or reagents they need for research purposes. The well-stocked armory is organized but musty from lack of use. Those that violate the laws are captured by the bards monks and wizards that roam the halls and libraries, as the people have little reason to have a set barracks. What Salvan has in knowledge it gives freely, allowing anyone to peruse it’s stacks with ease. Most of the books are made to resist fire magically, and one of the exceptional crimes punished is to destroy knowledge. Such individuals are charged, exiled, and sent to the prisons in the Imperium Pavos. All judgement is designated by Professor Evarmoss, but crime is rare enough that he is not overburdened by the charge.  


Salvan is regarded in high esteem by most of the Dycides and their publications are in high regard. Having manufactured printing presses with help from the Imperium Pavos, they have standardized book publishing rather than hand copying or having magical quills copy texts. They help support education across all the Dycides, and are trusted to keep bias of any sort away from what they publish, or at least cite any opinion based text as an opinion. Their dissemination of knowledge leads to a much more informed population around the Dycides, and so secure their influence and safety. While the gnomes of the Pillar Corridor are intelligent, and some have left to join the halls of Salvan, many prefer their knowledge to be kept proprietary, to increase their profit.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

New Alvasta City
Professor Evarmoss
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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