Seven Scales Tribes Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Seven Scales Tribes

Basic Info

Region: Mezal Clifflands

Motto: Seven as One

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Capital: Swampcity Fleshfeast

Cities: Gorewatch, Oathless Hollow, and Altar of Dragons

Ruler(Race): Glabrous the Swift (Lizardfolk Dragonkin)

Government Type: Tribal Confederation

Languages: Common and Draconic

Religion: Worship limited to Apsu and Tiamat only.

Qualities: Military Primary Focus. Commercial, Trade, and Religion Secondary Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Lizardfolk and a minor Grippli population, small populations of other races.

Common Classes: Barbarian and Fighter common, Sorcerer and Ranger less common, Slayer and Champion uncommon.


Quick Description

Allies in the war between Gevat and the Dycides, what was once a unification of twelve tribes is now seven. The Mezal Clifflands were gifted to them after the war ended, under the agreement that they would once again fight for the Dycides if war was declared again. Many joined the forces of Atholia and the Red Market who aided in the First Ethium conflict with Ajara, looking to find glory on a battlefield. Between wars they are often an isolated land, battling each other over disputes or going on hunts to earn valorous victory or deaths in combat. The tribes do have codes of conduct and inner workings but most are never seen to outsiders preferring to perpetuate their simple nature. Those small races (the lizardfolks term for non lizardfolk races) that think they are dumb monsters will be made easy prey.  

History(Coming Soon)



Each of the Seven Tribes has its own unique governance system, but nearly all have Dragonkin at their centers. The Rune Scales are theocratic organization who try to divine the wills of Aspu and Tiamat and believe in their divine prominence over the ‘warm gods’. The Skycrawlers are relatively nomadic and given deference to their tribe master, and their apprentice to lead them through the depths of the crags and mountains of the Mezal. The Poison Dusk have a warlord who rules over them that can be challenged for control of the tribe, while the Rot Breath define a challenge of fortitude to define their leader based on who can sustain the most punishment. The Shard Keepers value knowledge over strength and keep the histories of the lizardfolk engraved on their scales and have a high matriarch. Red Claws lay claim to leadership by their hunt trophies. Finally the Oathless, the most adjusted to the Dycides, elect their leaders with a vote of any adults in the community. There will always be a Grand Champion who is the leader of all the tribes in war time, they are proved in battle and tactics among the tribes. Glabrous the Swift, a member of the Skycrawlers is the current Grand Champion.  


The lizardfolk have a variety of minor laws that they call taboos that are entirely their own. How you enter a settlement, where you walk compared to your elders, how you address a Den Parent or a Spirit Speaker all matter. Not meeting those requirements often sets them in a ring to either prove their honor by slaying a beast, or prove their blood by battling their better. Enslavement happens occasionally of smaller races, but most aggrieved lizardfolk would rather put an enemy to trial by combat before wasting their time keeping a pet. They accept that most of the smaller races are too ignorant to keep up with the taboos of their people, and are sent out of their huts to sleep outside the settlements like animals. Those small races that can adapt and fight well are accepted.  


Most of the Dycides assume the Seven Scale Tribe are only lizardfolk. While they make 95% of the tribes some grippli, half-orcs, ajaran elves, genieborn, and even tiefling and dhampir are allowed to join if they have honor. Many of the stereotypes that ‘civilized’ cultures have about their races are absent among the lzardfolk who believe if you can understand them you can be a member of their people. Dwarves and humans are old war foes in ancient tales but even they may join. Trade is also a part of their culture but mostly internalized. The Oathless however exist as middlemen between the rest of the Dycides and the Seven tribes, bringing in valuable magical items in exchange for gemstones and other valuable supplies exported from their lands. The Oathles often escort caravans across the Seven Scale lands to ensure that no taboos are broken by the trades that keep them in relative ease.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Swampcity Fleshfeast
Oathless Hollow
Altar of Dragons
Glabrous the Swift
Geopolitical, Country

Little to No Trade


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