Sightborn Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Basic Info

Region: Island of Insight

Motto: Future, Past, and Present Align

Alignment: True Neutral

Capital: The Eldertree

Cities: ---

Ruler(Race): Reco the Seer (Unknown)

Government Type: Theocracy (Desna and Pharasma)

Languages: Common and Sylvan

Religion: Open Religious Views, with an Emphasis in Desna and Pharasma

Qualities: Religion Primary Focus. Spells, Magic, Farming, and Fishing Secondary Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Grippli, Tiefling, Genieborn, and Tengu.

Common Classes: Oracle and Druid common, Inquisitor and Monk less common, Slayer and Cleric uncommon.


Quick Description

Since the beginning the Eldertree has brought resolution and mystery into the world, and since it was first investigated its keeper has tended it. In the modern age Desna and Pharasma goddesses both of dreams and fate have taken this to be their home and their clerics are trained there. The Eldertree itself bears fruit to resolve the problems of many, and the advice of Reco the Seer is sought with high interest. Even the Imperial Elves show Reco respect as the ‘Muinthel Arealda’ or ‘Keeper of the Sunlight Tree.’  

History(Coming Soon)



While Reco is recognized as the Seer and given great prominence on the island, the clergy of Desna, Irori, and Pharasma manage the people who come and enact the laws. Reco the Seer simply tends the tree, then when it breaks bread it speaks to those presented before it. Reco’s voice is heard differently to each listener, sounding like a person they have known but they will never see again, most often someone who has died. The words spoken are often lessons in life, advice or prophesy. If they are written down the words disappear from the page as they are written. As such at High Table Reco does not speak, but only votes or abstains. As it abstains most on most occasions, when Reco votes every attendandt is likely to take that into consideration. This makes Reco both the most and least influential member of the politics of the Dycides.  


In the land of Sightborn the day to day laws are kept by clerics who make a point to abhor violence or threats. The most common punishment is being imprisoned or exiled from the island. As the worship of Pharasma is present, necromantic spells are seen as worthy of imprisonment or the removal of someone’s hands for dare practicing such a profane art in such a sacred place. Any that hang around the island who have a negative experience with Reco are often sent away or at least watched carefully as protecting the Eldertree and its Keeper is the greatest priority.  


Most see the Island of Insight as a far away land like in a fairytale. Few consider their needs to be great enough to make the journey or fear the clerics won’t even set foot on the island itself. Those that live there are prone to taking breaks off the island as life time works differently, days stretching together like one long day that never ends. No one is born on the Island of Insight, and some believe this is the work of Reco, thinking its calm nature and mask crafted to hide some sinister design.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

The Eldertree
Reco the Seer
Geopolitical, Country

Little to No Trade


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