Tenacity Hold Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Tenacity Hold

Basic Info

Region: Nexus Peak’s Crown

Motto: A Well Woven Rope Never Falters

Alignment: Lawful Good

Capital: Hardmoot

Cities: Sinew Pass, Cornerstone Alcazar, and Monastery of Winds

Ruler(Race): Cro-Nah Greyscale (Lizardfolk Tracker)

Government Type: Meritocracy (Ruled by those with the greatest ability)

Languages: Common and Dwarven

Religion: Open Religious Views, with an Emphasis in Erastil

Qualities: Commercial and Trade Primary Focus. Religion and Industry Secondary Focus. Military and Art Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan

Common Classes: Fighter and Ranger common, Gunslinger and Cleric less common, Druid and Monk uncommon.


Quick Description

Once a hold out of dragonkind, the Nexus Peak’s Crown has been said to be as untamable as a dragon. The writ for the entire region was only five thousand gold pieces. Those that conquered it named their land Tenacity Hold for though it cost many lives they survive still. They have slowly tamed a passage to the Ajaran jungle called the serpent’s spine opening the first land passage between the Ajara Jungle and the rest of the Dycides. A very decent people living from what little bounty they can secure, they are firm believers in Erastil. With a respect of harvest and hunt they welcome all who would brave the wild mountains with them.  

History(Coming Soon)



Those who are most capable leaders in skill, craft, or hunting are given the Clavhead (the arrowhead that slayed the last dragon seen in the nexus peaks), and the right to provide guidance to the community. Cro-Nah Greyscale, Slayer of the Warden Hydra, Reclaimer of Wyrmhoards is full title of the current holder of the Clavhead, though he prefers just Cro-Nah. Humble and soft spoken the legend of the million platinum hoard he gave to the people of his land is told by many across the Dycides. Though not every member of the multicultural people of the Hold worship Erastil, Cro-Nah is a devotee who gets much of his advice on what to do based on Old Deadeye’s shrewd perspective. Cro-Nah is starting to get old and looking for someone of great deed to honor Tenacity Hold and pass the Clavhead on to so he can retire and live a life of quiet.  


Firm and fair judges and sheriffs are elected officials in their communities. Laws breaking the law will find swift imprisonment but a careful eye for detail and context before a verdict can be held. Intent is incredibly important in judgement and evaluated carefully. Enough can kill you outside of a town that weapons are seen as inciting violence within a city, and can only be worn (and spells only cast) with the consent of the sheriff. Otherwise they are stored in the center of town, visible to all and watched by guards so that in case the town is attacked everyone can get to their weapon when in need. The macaques are seen as guardians to the spirits among the Ajaran culture, and are seen as good luck and should never be attacked or face the wrath of the dead. Slavery is never a just punishment in Tenacity Hold.  


Though initially suspicious of newcomers to town, the best strategy to win over the people of Tenacity Hold is to check with an elder and get to work doing something that the town needs. Those rugged folk will respect you for it, and the traders will open their stalls. Once you have warmed in the hearts of those in Tenacity Hold they will fill you with stories and will be excited to hear yours as well. A hardworking people they enjoy life’s little pleasures, a warm bed, a full stomach, or a dip in the hot springs of the mountains.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Sinew Pass
Cornerstone Alcazar
Monastery of Winds
Cro-Nah Greyscale
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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