The Fugue Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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The Fugue

Basic Info

Region: Mist Island

Motto: The Island of Lost Things

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Capital: The Ruined Temple

Cities: ---

Ruler(Race): ---

Government Type: Anarchy

Languages: ---

Religion: ---

Qualities: ---

Racial Breakdown: Any who arrive. Humans, Gnomes, and Halfling being the most common.

Common Classes: Random


Quick Description

The Mist Island is a cursed place and when a sea faring person see’s it they pray to Gozreh for a quick wind to take them far from its shores. According to lore, and a multitude of historical examples those who breathe the Mist of The Fugue lose track of time and hear a whispering voice in their minds. Those that have been removed from the mist quickly enough can be rescued from the more dire side effects. Initially the voice beckons them deeper into the island and tells them to do horrible things to themselves or others. If they don’t do as the voice tells them they are wracked with pain and aches, and if they do as they are bade the voice becomes louder and more dominant in their minds. According to those who escaped not breathing too much mist, a need to return to the island is always present in their mind. Most sadly find a way legally or illegally to return and are never heard from again.  

History(Coming Soon)



There are no leaders only madness.  


There are no laws only madness.  


The curse of The Fugue to some is an old wives tale, or a lie perpetrated by the pirates of Barataria as a way to evade coastal patrols in the old days. Regardless it is seen as foolhardy to come even near the island. Since the Grownland flourished up out of the ocean depths, transporting goods between the North and East Kessar brings all within view of The Fugue. Ghost ships, unmanned drift into the nearby atolls with hulls filled with the trade goods they were hauling, and not a person aboard nor sign of struggle. Even coming aboard to take the swag is seen with caution because who knows if there is mist still on board.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

The Ruined Temple
Geopolitical, Country

Off Limits-Madness


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