The Lost Way Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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The Lost Way

Basic Info

Region: Terminus Island

Motto: Beware the Dark

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Capital: Fortitude Hill

Cities: ---

Ruler(Race): Either The Agony (Fey-Touched Gnome), The Gorefiend (Lizardfolk Bruiser)

Government Type: Druocracy (Ruled by Druids)

Languages: Common, Draconic, Druidic, Sylvan

Religion: Limited to Gozreh

Qualities: Religious Primary Focus. Food, Fishing, Spells, and Magic Secondary Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Elves, Gnomes, Lizardfolk, Humans, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, and Grippli.

Common Classes: Druid and Witch common, Ranger and Sorcerer less common, Barbarian and Oracle uncommon.


Quick Description

A land defined by survival, there are no true cities, each tribe bleeding the other dry, there is only one honest truth in this land: Only the most cruel or cunning survive. In The Lost Way not only will those sentient hunters attack you, but also beasts and plants will constantly be trying to end your life. Few visit the land, and only with a very lucrative reason, as it is fair to say you are not likely to survive a night in this verdant hell.  

History(Coming Soon)



Currently they are in a state of war among themselves locked between “The Gorefiend” and his brutal berserkers and “The Agony” who uses strong ambush and poisoning tactics. Eventually there will be a declared victor decided by the shadowy druids that act as monitors for the war. While many might see these Druids as the true rulers, they simply give a few months or years of peace before engineering the next war that erupts the land in mindless violence. In many ways the druids of the land keep it from ever being ruled, especially by them, as most spend the intermittent time between conflict hunting the Druids.  


There are few even concepts of law in The Lost Way, but one rule is true universally: Fortitude Hill is for the strongest. Being granted the honor of it’s walls requires the winning of a Druid facilitated war. The Druids feed them and work to fulfill their desires as needed. There winners feast and breed with great rapidity before they are challenged once again. When the Druids organize the challenge, they watch for strategy and sheer violence and declare the winner. These are the only laws that truly exist, anything else is accepted as the law of the wilds.  


“The Lost Way” refers to two things, the nature of city people forgetting that they can be killed, and the isolation of the island, the idea that few ever escape the endless turmoil of this land. They have no trade routes or laws governing entrance or exit to their island and accept anyone that can survive. Occasionally people will leave the island, but none leave without severe shock at how placid the rest of the world is compared to their land. They also often have difficulty learning the ways of “civilization” from their experience of utter chaos and violence as a way to solve any dispute.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Fortitude Hill
The Agony
The Gorefiend
Geopolitical, Country

Little to No Trade


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