Treley Expanse Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Treley Expanse

Basic Info

Region: Inner Coast

Motto: As Tides Rise, We Float Highest

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Capital: Highcoast Harbor

Cities: Vicrim’s Bounty, Talon’s Span, Westrush, and Norumbo’s Headache

Ruler(Race): Five River Company (various)

Government Type: Plutocracy

Languages: Common and Grippli

Religion: Open Religious Views, with an Emphasis in Abadar

Qualities: Industry Primary Focus. Commercial, Trade, Learning, and Science Secondary Focus. Spells, Magic, and Art Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan with a slight higher rate of Grippli.

Common Classes: Fighter and Sorcerer common, Bard and Rogue less common, Slayer and Cleric uncommon.


Quick Description

The Five River Company is the only example of a single organization that for all intents and purposes owns a country. This former riverboat company gobbled up their competition, expanded into new market places and made the Treley Expanse an efficient engine of commerce. Their board orders are seen as law, and rather than fight it, all political figures are simply mouthpieces for the Company because the company’s health is Treley’s health. The markets of Treley’s cities are a bustling affair where goods from across the Aetherwash and Westflood connect the Dycides with traders from Hearthhaven, Gevat, Ajara, and even the distant Ekara Plains. People live a comfortable life in the booming economy of Treley, but the company’s influence on everyday life always reminds them anyone can be replaced if they step too far out of line.  

History(Coming Soon)



Originally Treley’s government was part of the Decomcratic Republic model of the Old Dycides. As the company grew, originally three small groups of Riverfolk Grippli, their influence over local politicians grew as well. In it’s current state and the surrender of the Treley Expanse to the Five Rivers Company, politicians are chiefly the mouthpieces of the company’s will. They are still elected, but any that take steps to lower the companies influences have their trade routes taxed until the pressure of their citizens causes they rebellious attitude to cave. Luckily for the people of the Treley Expanse, the Board of the company has no diabolic intent to crush all chances for growth and bleed the country of it’s resources. The company rather is like the owner of an aquarium. They allow everyday folk to build organizations within Treley to grow and thrive, while others are consumed and die out, but simply guide the marketplace to maximize the profits for all. The Current board members number thirty three, and are a mixture of most races favoring toward the Traderfolk Halfling, and the Riverfolk Grippli.  


Company regulators and Clerics of Abadar are equal parts in regulating the laws created by the political ambitions of the board. Most punishments are monetary, so laws can be broken by those with enough money to serve their own ends. To counterbalance these financial abuses of power the Red Market does a fair business in Treley, often removing the most corrupt parts of the community with accusations of Slander as an reasoning to slay. As such a civil tone and attitude is generally kept among strangers in Treley, because you never know how an insult can follow you home with a blade. Slavery through debt is a common issue in Treley and slaves through debt make about 4% of the population, though slavery as a punishment for a heinous crime is not uncommon. Slaves are also freed by the company paying their debt for them if they show promise in a skill or craft that would help the community they live in.  


The company is generally considered a sleeping dragon by the Dycides. Laying on a mound of profit, their legitimate operation is based on a keep understanding on economics that those who worship Abadar have great respect for. Their network of influence keeps the markets thriving and the legal isolation in Treley keeps them from consuming other countries. All that being said the military power of their land leaves them vulnerable to attack. As tensions of all-out war rise in the East they are slowly building their own forces to defend what they have, recruiting people from across the Dycides to form adventuring parties in the meantime, but eventually to defend themselves if war comes to their golden shores.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Highcoast Harbor
Vicrim’s Bounty
Talon’s Span
Norumbo’s Headache
Five River Company
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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