Vetmir Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Basic Info

Region: Breath Island

Motto: To thy own Blade be True

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Capital: Black Shard City

Cities: Tavrosh Cove and The Ever Watcher

Ruler(Race): High Magus Tora Behir (True Dhampir)

Government Type: Magocracy (Ruled by Magic Users)

Languages: Common, Draconic and Elven

Religion: Open Religious Views

Qualities: Spells and Magic Primary Focus. Military, Commercial, and Trade Secondary Focus. Art and Industry Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan

Common Classes: Magus and Alchemist common, Witch and Wizard less common, Fighter and Slayer uncommon.


Quick Description

A site defended by Dragons, the Black Shard and the Obelisk of Souls held within are an arcane focal point now defended by the Vetmiri. The Magi, masters of spell and blade, and the Vetmiri Witches of the Wood are cultures both who believe that left without a warden the dragons of old might regain the power within. To prepare for and sustain their vigil they train mastering magic, and crafting wondrous items. To keep the island functioning economically the Magi, Blackblades and Eldritch Bows in hand, are used as living weapons doing mercenary work and sending the message across all nations, “Vetmir is strong, and it watches over the Blackshard.”  

History(Coming Soon)



Magical potency and shrewd judgement are what make the Magi school strong. While elected officials manage the day to day business of the cities, the Vetmir College of Magi is the heart of the economy and bring people from across the Dycides to sample the wares of their island and implore the Magi for help. Potential leaders of the College seek the privilege to lead from Parthal the Greivous, the first Blackblade who remains well after her master’s death. The most capable leadership over the school and its people is called the High Magus, and the current High Magus is Tora Behir. Born in the Old Dycides one hundred and forty years ago, he came to the Black Shard to calm a heart filled with rage and found focus and discipline. Though he allows necromancy on the island he treats vampires or necromancy that affects the bodies of the dead heinous crimes worthy of destruction. Though he is often mired in the work of his office he takes every opportunity to hunt those down who violate the laws of Vetmir and interact with trainees and be sure those who would become Magi have the hearts to match the blade.  


The College of Magi is an incredibly disciplined environment and takes the use of magic with a grave circumspect perspective. This bleeds out into the rest of Vetmir and those that violate the law often are fined harshly or find themselves imprisoned. Slavery is not a practice endorsed in Vetmir, and enchantment is punished as a heinous crime. Though summoning intelligent outsiders is forbidden one group is allowed to do so, the Vetmiri Witches. The indigenous Witches of Vetmir are often left to their own business and are held to punishment for violating their laws by their covens. Tora Behir has an understanding with the witches who offer healing to the towns in exchange for their cultural and legal autonomy.  


There is a general respect the world over for Vetmir as a trusted place to study magic. Though being led by a True Dhampir sullies some toward the island nation most respect them for their skilled mercenaries and restraint for magic use. Where other nations are more free with their magic, trying to advance magic to its breaking point, the Vetmiri try to hone the known magics to a perfect form. They are a source of some magical items across the Dycides but they do not craft nearly as many as other nations who focus in it. Magi in training often lead a dual life, joining mercenary groups, adventuring companies across the Dycides and then in the winter returning to their College for training. Once they inherit their Blade they can return when they wish to further hone the weapon in the halls of the Blackshard.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Black Shard City
Tavrosh Cove
The Ever Watcher
High Magus Tora Behir
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


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