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Cordelia Remulos

Lady Cordelia Remulos (a.k.a. Grim Rapier)

Cordelia Remulos, also known as Lady Cordelia, is the daughter of Holy Army Fleets Commodore Ulysses Remulos. An aspiring and ambitious young woman, Cordelia seeks to use professional diplomacy to dissolve the ongoing smaller-scale conflicts between the Holy Thermydorian Empire and the United Liberation Front. As per tradition in the Remulos family, Cordelia attended the Draconian Arms Combat Institute and mastered the rapier, earning her title of "Grim Rapier" for her swift deadliness with the weapon. Cordelia abhors being an expert in armed combat, but knows it's better to have the skills and attributed if so needed in any situation.


Cordelia hires Thenchi Blackrock as a mercenary so he can be her bodyguard while she travels to Valkyria City in her latest job. The job, however, turns an unexpected twist with the arrival of an other-wordly being who commands an army beyond the stars; Dragzil of the Orion Star Batallion. Cordelia and Thenchi learn that Dragzil has a deal with Duke Vincent Getts to retrieve a powerful device, a sphere called Mana Orb, in exchange for the safety of the city and their citizens. Cordelia and Thenchi intervene, but Cordelia first flees with the Duke along with the rest of the citizens before Dragzil blows up the city after being provoked by Thenchi.
Feeling like she owes Thenchi, Cordelia willingly stays by Thenchi's side after the incident, and learns about the possible involvement of a Holy Empire officer with Dragzil's presence. Soon after, Ulysses seeks Thenchi to arrest him, blaming him for the destruction of Valkyria City and the personal endangerment of Cordelia. A defiant Cordelia tries to reason with Ulysses, but he claims that Thenchi's altercation with Dragzil ruined a secret plot to use the Mana Orb, which was a fake, to track down Dragzil.
By her own volition, Cordelia joins the Holy Army after imploring her father, who reluctantly accepts her request and sends her to Cradle N-1 in the Northern End region. With her great skills in combat, Cordelia ascends the ranks in her Cradle in a matter of months.


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