Thenchi Blackrock Character in The Earth Chronicles | World Anvil
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Thenchi Blackrock

The man who defied the world and its God

Thenchi Blackrock (a.k.a. The Imperialist)


Thenchi Blackrock is the main protagonist of the Earth Chronicles III. An orphan with an obscure latent secret, Thenchi rose to the status of legendary hero as a soldier for the Holy Thermydorian Empire. After suffering great personal losses and becoming the subject to abhorrent inhumane experiments, Thenchi would become a great warrior blessed by the Darkness and set himself on a warpath to dismantle the Holy Empire.

Early Life

Thenchi was born to a middle-class family in Yuma City during the early stages of the Second Freedom War. His parents were not prepared to care for their newborn son, but endured for his sake for about a year. However, both of Thenchi's parents fell ill from the Black Blight, and together decided to leave Thenchi at an orphanage, where he would receive the proper care and nurture that they couldn't give to their own son. When he turned five, Thenchi met Jess Lynxenburg, another orphan, and both became friends almost instantly. As the years passed by, Thenchi and Jess grew up learning and doing everything together. They made a promise to each other; that no matter what happens, they will never separate from one another and will always look out for each other.

Migration to the Space Colonies

When Thenchi turned 13, the Holy Thermydorian Empire ordered the transfer of all civilians to the Space Colonies. Holding the hand of his best friend, Thenchi was amongst the millions of people that now had a chance to start a new life, albeit at a young age. Living in a colony called Stadium Space Colony, Thenchi and Jess were given their own humble abode, a small two-floor house that contained all the household basics. The gleeful pair rejoiced, began attending an Empire-sponsored education institution, and began to learn about the history of their home planet and the Empire. As they both got older and became young teenagers, emotions and feelings for each other began to develop, but unsure on how to act on them, Thenchi and Jess kept these inner sensations to themselves.

Life in the Darkness

Thenchi began to have visions in the form of nightmares at the age of 15. These visions all were the same, but eventually he'd start hearing voices in these dreams. He would find himself standing atop a cliff overseeing what it looked to be Yuma City. Besides him, several other individuals were standing, all wearing a black uniform of the sorts. A blood moon over the night sky, the landscape looked bleak and crimson, with countless bodies decorating the floors of the city. Thenchi recognized the city every time he would experience the nightmare. However, every time he sees it, the next time there's a new detail. The picture got clearer time after time, but he was terrified nonetheless. As the voices began to whisper, Thenchi decided to share his experiences with Jess and turned into a heartwarming conversation about their feelings. One night, Jess stayed late at the academy to craft what she considered a 'protection charm'; a necklace made out of a metal alloy in the shape of the sun. Jess made a second necklace for herself, but the pendant was of the moon. With the intention of giving the sun necklace to Thenchi, Jess waited for the perfect moment to give her handcraft to him.

The Path of a Soldier

On the day before Thenchi's 17th birthday, him and Jess caught themselves watching a press conference being held by Mars Rayleonardt on their television. Mars was a strong Empire pro-war advocate, but during his speech he announced the production of a new weapon that would surely end the war once it launches. Jess asks Thenchi if he would become a soldier if he had the chance, but Thenchi appears reluctant to give a proper answer, but ultimately says he would if he knew his actions would have a positive impact on the world. Jess, however, doesn't see Thenchi as a soldier and teases him as so since she's never seen Thenchi be violent or aggressive. The aspect of being a soldier dwells deeply in Thenchi's mind, wondering if this is the only way that the world could ever find peace. He sees the United Liberation Front Rebellion as the enemy, yet he knows he's never heard their side of the story, only what the Empire wants to share at their academy. The morning after, the entire colony's slumber is abruptly disturbed by the sudden arrival of an Empire carrier ship. The sirens blare loudly to get the attention of the civilians, and an announcement is heard; all male individuals of the ages of 17 and up are to be gathered and transported to the carrier ship. It was Thenchi's 17th birthday, and both him and Jess are startled and worried if this mean Thenchi is to be taken. As they peek through the windows, they see a group of soldiers approaching their door. The door is forcibly opened and the men walk inside to find the two young teens trembling in defiance. As Thenchi refused to co-operate, an imposing tall figure cladded in armor walks in and asks Thenchi by name. The tall man, Lieutenant Balrog Steelbane, tells Thenchi that he's been sought after by his superiors, and must come with them. Jess scrambles in fear and gathers some of their belongings and hands them to Thenchi, including the necklace she forged at the academy. She simply tells him, "I hope this will keep you safe," before he's taken away from his home. Balrog simply tells Thenchi that he'll get the answers he's seeking once he arrives at Cradle X-4 and meets with Commander Eric Garland.
  Upon arriving at Cradle X-4, all the newly conscripted are disembarked and gathered at the hangar to be introduced to their new home. Eric Garland tells the civilians-turned-soldiers that the war against the United Liberation Front Rebellion is far from over, and appears grateful for the addition to the ranks of his Cradle. Once done, Balrog and Thenchi meet with Eric at his military quarters, with Thenchi hoping to get answers. By simply asking why was he being sought out, Eric decided to share with Thenchi very delicate information for the sake of transparency. Two weeks prior, Eric and his fellow Cradle Commanders were visited by an entity that walked through a portal torn open by powerful magics. The entity, whom they call the "Harbinger", gave unto them only a few uttered words of urgency before turning into ashes and blue cinders. Eric was standing the closest to the being, and heard Thenchi's name and calling him "the greatest warrior to ever live". He was incredibly intrigued by the incident and ordered Balrog and his Intel Wing to begin searching all available databases to find any matches to the uttered name. It was a task that took them two weeks to complete, after finding Thenchi's name in the records of an orphanage located in Yuma City; the same orphanage where Thenchi lived as a kid.
  Thenchi refuses to believe he's part of some prophecy, let alone a conspiracy, as he's never fought or even held a weapon. A very curious Eric agrees with him, but with a great war happening right below them, he was ready to take any and all chances to obtain an edge in the battlefield. Before dismissing Thenchi, Eric asked of him to keep quiet about the conversation, while it is a lot to take in, it's still unclear if he's even fit to be a soldier physically and mentally.

Becoming a Soldier


Thenchi Blackrock

Childhood Friend (Vital)

Towards Jess Lynxenburg



Jess Lynxenburg

Childhood Friend (Important)

Towards Thenchi Blackrock



"I am not just your enemy. I am the enemy."
Bio Information
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
The Exodus
Short, spiky black
Aligned Organization
Related Myths


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