
Jotunns are blue skinned people with bull horns who live mainly in wetlands, swamps, and dense forests. They are typically averse to human contact, and when threatened or seen by a human, they transform into a giant version of themselves, often resulting in the person running away and the Jotunn not being seen again.  
  These people live in mud huts and and treehouses in deep woods and swamps, typically around the south of Erestria, the east coast of Liaskian Kerb, and some areas in the west of the Westerns next to the Wolloan region.    These creatures prefer flight over fight to almost any situation, and only fight when extremely desperate. They are also fairly untrusting, and it will take a while to make one warm up to you.    They are incredibly kind, after breaching the rough exterior, however, and despite being incredibly focused on self preservation, a Jotunn will happily throw their life away if yours is in danger, that is, if you are close to it.   No one knows what the horns are used for, but they have been described as a 'fighting tool' for any threats. They can also be used as hunting device.    These creatures pride fishing more than anything else, and seem to get along with predatory fish such as pirahnas and sharks. They also seem to practice a ritualistic religion, or perhaps some kind of magic known only to Jotunnkind, at least, for now.

Basic Information


These creatures are extremely similar to humans, despite their theorized unrelation to humanoids, which is why they are classified as Homo instead of Miclessus. They can have two to six bull horns, and their skin is a light blue, often reflected by their eyes. Some, however, have red eyes, but these are often ones that are more trusting and willing to bond to humans. If this is coincidence is not known, but perhaps the ones with red eyes are more warm.

Biological Traits

Good hearing, blue skin, bull horns

Genetics and Reproduction

Normal human reproduction, which is strange for something so unrelated to humans.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These creatures' diets mainly consist of fish and small game, but can include plants. They also seem to have peppers when they can find them, as a delicacy. Some effort has been made by humans to taste a pepper, but they have yielded no results. 


They are incredibly scared and skittish, and will run from any encounter rather than fight, despite their two front facing eyes. They have, however, been seen fighting alligators.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Not as smart as humans by a long shot, at about ~80 IQ

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These creatures are excellent at hearing humans, if nothing else. They hear a human's or humanoid's distinct footsteps from around 50 feet away, even if they are talking. Other than that, they are quite normal.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

a monogamous religion is the norm. both parents fish, whilst the children help and learn.


These creatures' first documentation was before the time of Gogosqweze, about 500 years before, when Kerbia was still blossoming. Either these peoples are a product of Humans, Aurises, and Nymphs, or they are a completely original people.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They fear almost all contact with any other races, but do have a preference for humans more than anything else, even if they are absurdly afraid of them.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Jotunnus
~60 years
Average Height
6'0", their giant illusion can be up to 45'0"
Average Weight
not light, but not obese, at about ~160 average.
Average Physique
not overweight but not underweight, average, so to speak.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is blue, typically light blue