
The Event

    Something happened a thousand years ago, the end of the world. The event, as it is called now, destroyed everything across the world. First it was the world itself the reacted with hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, and meteors fell from the sky. Disease and famine followed and wars in every country in the world. Some populations completely disappeared during this time. They are now known as Ancients. Every kind of death came swiftly over the face of the world, starvation killed half of the worlds peoples and the disease called the black death followed killed that other half. Wars erupted and every ancient realm fought every other realm to survive. These wars lasted for many generations after and to this day these old hatreds exist. Magic spiraled out of control; the ancients tried to control something that they barely understood. The world leaders fell, the great nations and realm were nothing more than scattered tribes. Warlords and chiefs control the balance of the people. The knowledge of the world disappeared and only ruins of great city remained. The people fled the violence and death that seemed to follow all nations and people. All the knowledge was lost within that generation after the event. Now a thousand years later only a few survivors have moved out from their safe holds. In the last 200 years, things have changed. The environmental issues melted away, no longer did the world around you want you dead. It was still a dangerous place, but the troubled times were behind, and seasons returned to normal. Regular growing seasons and higher yields of food have produced a peace that has not existed since before the Event. With this peace has come exploration and invention of the old ruins. The warlords and chiefs have become rulers and kings. This new growth has called for a migration of people to different parts of the realm, for work. Uneasy peace remains between the many nations, but it is only a matter of time until peace is broken, and war falls upon us all. This is the world in which you come from, and this is the world in which you will travel and explore. What do you want from this world? What are your dreams? What will you do next?

Take the next step…

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